CutterWheel Yeah the old courses are accessible. Its the new course that is not available through this script. Does anyone have the next js 13 course(the newer one) by fireship
jehjeehjerghg CutterWheel Fireship Next js 13 course:
backpain keenlearner Use the method mentioned here, it works, you can access any course after it. I was also looking for the svletekit course and ended up here. Thanks to @YugTripathi.
realron YugTripathi Hey bro can you create a script for this? Please reply to me with your answer. Live Full Stack Open Source Cohort
RajPatil can i get this
wanndark That’s amazing! It worked! Thank you so much! By any chance, do you have a similar one for Frontendmasters? I wanted their SvelteKit course
ayanliaqat I did the exact same steps, but its requiring me to sign in, and the lectures are locked. I also tried reloading but nothing
FieryFPS ayanliaqat 1. Turn off the script 2. Sign up/Sign in 3. Turn on the script 4. Refresh This should work