Could you pls provide this?
Could you pls provide this?
JuStIn_BiRbL That’s good! I don’t want to demean anyone but most of the books are available at z library. People are just lazy.
JoshCollins Isn’t Zlibrary shut down now? Is there a way to access it now?
Hello I would really appreciate if you could get me “Criminology in Canada: Its Mechanisms, Theories, and Failings” by Chris Hay:
Thank you :)) Please Provide me this Ebook. Thanks in advance.
thank you sir
Any flutter books
So are you going to keep up with your word or were you just flexing? Because it doesn’t seem you brought any of the requests made here.
Closed … user is not responding.
When you want to give these users their things … You can like this thread or make a new thread for the old.