TechnoBoy There was a time when nearly all providers were exploited by users. There were tools like PD-Proxy, Tunnel Guru and Open VPN were available and with little tweak either changing the udp/tcp port will grant you access of free internet.

It worked for 4-5 years until Jio came in light and internet became cheaper. I doubt now a days people will bear the pain to look for open ports and edit logs or use a tool to bypass the bandwidth.

If you want to know more about this you can dig deeper.

As far as I remember Port: 80, 8080, 443, 9200, 49200, 49201 used to work most of the time.

You can try nmap in linux and pd-proxy in windows if it still works or search for tutorials in google baba.

    WahabAbbasi Yep! those were the days when many used it for free and speed was okay, 2-4 MBPS in 3g mode.

      yaswanth I last checked Jio in 2018 and it was working that time too. So, I am not amazed about this but that time it had issue with speed.

      I have seen a Insta reels too dont know its working or not

      the jio trick is working .i have been using it for the past months.But i think they r gonna patch it bcoz many guys are sharing the video in social media platforms such as instagram on that trick using rd tunnel and other app

        a month later

        Anubis i find this on telegram and i don’t know how this things work 😅😅

        “port”: “80”,

                "host": "",
                "friendly_name": "🇲🇦 Morocco | Telecom 100 👑",
                "sausage": "",
                "payload": "GET \\/ HTTP\\/1.1[crlf]Host: [cf][crlf]X-Online-Host: [cf][crlf]Connection: Upgrade[crlf]User-Agent: [ua][crlf]Upgrade: websocket[crlf][crlf]",
                "query": "normal",
                "category": "Mode-2",
                "message": "",
                "method": "http",
                "sslws": "false",
                "dothost": ""

          moviestuffofficialHD or you can use sni but you need find a bug host working woth you … use subdomainfinder website and search one by one manually…