Not working anymore. it just hung up with a blank page after completion of everythin

    • Edited
    • Best Answerset by XDJ

    Existing 1 Month users just need to follow PART 3 in the main post to extend the trial subscription to another month.

    Use BIN 401658903xx3 with an AUSTRALIAN VPN & AUSTRALIAN DETAILS (for new users).

    No VPN is needed for the old users, just use the old payment method (old cc) saved in the Microsoft payments.

    XDJ changed the title to Free 2 Months MICROSOFT 365 BUSINESS RDP 8GB RAM & 128GB STORAGE .

    upgraded to 2 months!

    A small tip: Existing users who have made the rdp with usa region, no need of australia vpn . just use the bin and credentials of usa region.

    ¿how to fix this error?

    Something happened

    Please try again later or contact support.

    • XDJ replied to this.
      5 days later

      i tried all the bins one by one , with different residential ips and none of them works

        perlde 1:30am i made the rdp 2:15 it started working. I don’t think bins have been burst in 2hrs.

        perlde It all depends on accuracy, How much clean your IPand browser is, and LUCK.

        The BINS are working at present. If one bin doesn’t work for you after a few tries then go to another one. It doesn’t mean the BINS are patched just because it doesn’t work for you.

        • [deleted]

        there is no option of us country ?

        • XDJ replied to this.

          [deleted] Choose AUSTRALIA and enter its address details.

          • [deleted]

          after signup this is coming, so how much quantity should i select

          • XDJ replied to this.
            • [deleted]

            • Edited

            XDJ i selected 25, will it work now

            EDIT - can u tell for which bin i should go for ?

            • XDJ replied to this.