I used this method 4 months ago and I didn’t need to check it for months, the account is normal, just use it😝


no, its edu account, i create 90 edu accounts and its work fine

sell the account, change email at canva.. thats it

    RatuMunawaroh correct. for some reason the first account defaulted as FREE but when I created another account it says EDUCATION. It is good.

      guys I tried to same method but I did not get the verify code on temp mail !! is it work still or not

        saraper search for another temp mail that provide edu mails and it will work, it work with me. I forgot what website I use exactly but it work for me and I think it will for you as well ^^

        charm unfortuntly it isn’t working anymore because i think it got patched and now when you make an account they ask for documents