I’d like to share a method to easily crack the VidIQ chrome extension.
Everyone can do this if you follow the instructions.
I have tested it personally and it should work for the latest official version downloaded from the Chrome extension store.

Step 1 :

Install the VidIQ from the Chrome Store and Go to chrome’s extension folder. It’s at : C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Extensions

Step 2: Locate the VidIQ folder! For me it was pachckjkecffpdphbpmfolblodfkgbhl

Step 3: Inside that folder, open the folder with the Version Code. of VidIQ For me it was: 3.80.1

Step 4: You will find bundle.js inside it. Open it with notepad++. Note: If you haven’t installed it, search in google and install it.

Step 5: Press Ctrl + F (Find) They type “ t=e[0] ”. MAKE SURE TO ONLY CHANGE THE FIRST INSTANCE. NOT ALL!!

Step 6: Change that into : t=e[1] for pro t=e[2] for boost lite t=e[3] for boost t=e[4] for boost plus t=e[5] for enterprise

Note: For me, the enterprise doesn’t work well so I choose boost plus!

Step 7: Save that as bundle.bundle.js on Desktop!

Step 8: Copy the extension folder to the desktop! ie.pachckjkecffpdphbpmfolblodfkgbhl

Step 9: Delete the “bundle.bundle.js” file and “_metadata” folder which is already inside the extension folder at Desktop and copy the bundle.bundle.js that we just made and paste it into the “pachckjkecffpdphbpmfolblodfkgbhl” folder.

Step 10: Go to the chrome extension page! ie. chrome://extensions/

Step 11: Uninstall the official VidIQ plugin!

Step 12: Turn on the Developer Mode!

Step 13: Click “Load unpacked extension”. Then choose the extension folder at the desktop with the modified bundle.bundle.js file within.

That’s it! Now the plugin is cracked.

Note: Some server-side restrictions can’t be bypassed.

19 days later


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