• Tutorials & Methods

In this article, we will talk about methods, resources and all kinds of sites and programs that will help to break through a person.
Contains a directory of free tools and techniques for finding data around the Internet. The collection of the entire list provides the largest amount of useful information than many paid sites.

At the end of some links, letters are indicated in brackets:

® - registration on the resource is required
(t) - the program is installed on the device
(a) - an application on Android or iOS.



1. @SafeCallsBot - free anonymous calls to any phone number with a Caller ID
2. PhoneInfoga ( https://demo.phoneinfoga.crvx.fr/#/ ) - determine the type of number, gives doorways for the number, determines the city
3. Numberway .com - will find the phone book
4. account.lampyre.io (t) ® - the program searches for accounts, passwords, and many other data
5. @usersbox_bot - will find VK accounts with the required number in the phone number field
6. @GetFb_bot - finds Facebook
7.globfone.com ( https://globfone.com/call-phone/ ) - free anonymous calls to any phone number
8.smsc.ru ( https://smsc.ru/testhlr/ ) - phone activity status
9. Ignorant ( https://github.com/megadose/ignorant ) (t) - will show which site the phone is attached to
10. @clerkinfobot - shows how the phone number is recorded in contacts, takes data from the get contact application

Additional methods

1. Leave only digits at the phone number and add @ yandex.ru to it and then use the methods for Yandex mail - / Yandex

Restoring access

1. ICQ ( https://icq.com/password/ru )
2. Yahoo ( https: // login. yahoo.com/?display=login )
3. Adobe ( https://account.adobe.com/ )
4. Steam ( https://help.steampowered.com/ru/wizard/…LoginInfo/ )
5. Xiaomi (https://account.xiaomi.com/pass/retrieve…alRetrieve )
6. Twitter ( https://twitter.com/account/begin_password_reset )
7. VK.com ( https://vk.com/restore )
8. Facebook ( https://www.facebook.com/login/identify?ctx=recover )
9. Microsoft ( https://account.live.com/acsr )
10. Instagram ( https://www.instagram.com/ accounts / password / reset / )
11. Cloud.Huawei.com ( https://id8.cloud.huawei.com/AMW/portal/…count.html )


1. @SafeCallsBot - free anonymous calls to any phone number with Caller ID
spoofing 2. @AvinfoBot - makes a report where there is data from social networks, real estate, cars, ads and phone books. You need to invite another account for the report
3. getcontact.com ® - gives information about how the number is recorded in contacts
4. @get_kontakt_bot - searches for how the number is recorded in contacts, a large database of contacts
5. PhoneInfoga ( https: //demo.phoneinfoga .crvx.fr / # / ) - determine the type of number, make up dorks, city
6. truecaller.com ® - phone book, looks for the name and operator of the phone
7. avinfo.guru - check the phone of the owner of the car, sometimes you need a VPN
8.spravnik.com - search by city phone number, will find the full name and address
9.account.lampyre.io (t) ® - the program searches for accounts, passwords and many other data
10. @usersbox_bot - the bot will find accounts in VK who have the desired number in the phone number field
11. @GetFb_bot - gives a link to Facebook account
12.globfone.com ( https://globfone.com/call-phone/ ) - free anonymous calls to any phone number
13. @Quick_OSINT_bot - finds the operator, email, address, as recorded in contacts, and much more
14. @phone_avito_bot - gives a link to Avito account with detailed information
15. @UniversalSearchBot - search through the Domru Internet provider’s customer base, finds part of the address and personal account number
16. @geticqbot - retrieves the ICQ account
17.smsc.ru ( https://smsc.ru/testhlr/ ) - the activity status of the phone
18.m.ok.ru ( https://m.ok.ru/dk?st .cmd = accountRecoverFeedbackForm ) - shows part of the phone number, email, surname and the entire city with the registration date, use it in the incognito tab
19. @phone_avito_bot - gives an account on Avito
20. @ smart_search_3_bot - finds full name, email, ads
21. Ignorant ( https : //github.com/megadose/ignorant ) (t) - will show which site the phone
22 is attached to . @clerkinfobot - shows how the phone number is written in contacts, takes data from the getcontact application


1. @info_baza_bot - search in the database
2. @SafeCallsBot - free anonymous calls to any phone number with Caller ID substitution
3. @get_kontakt_bot - will find how the number is written in contacts
4. spravochnik109.link ( https://spravochnik109.link/ ukraina ) - search by city phone number, will find the full name and address
5.account.lampyre.io (t) ® - the program searches for accounts, passwords and many other data
6. @usersbox_bot - the bot will find VK accounts in which the phone number field contains the desired number
7. @dosie_Bot - as in the uabaza bot, it gives information about the passport only in full, 3 free attempts
8. PhoneInfoga ( https://demo.phoneinfoga.crvx.fr/#/) - determine the type of number, give the doorways for the number, determine the city
9. @GetFb_bot - the bot finds Facebook
10. globfone.com ( https://globfone.com/call-phone/ ) - free anonymous calls to any phone number
11. @Quick_OSINT_bot - will find the operator, email, address, as recorded in contacts and much more
12.searchyellowdirectory.com ( https://www.searchyellowdirectory.com/re…phone/380/ ) - will determine which region of Ukraine the phone number belongs to
13 . @Info_in_bot - will find the full name, not everyone gives access, change accounts
14. smsc.ru ( https://smsc.ru/testhlr/ ) - phone activity status
15.m.ok.ru ( https: //m.ok .ru / dk? st.cmd = accountRecoverFeedbackForm) - shows part of the phone number, email, surname and the entire city with the registration date, use it in the incognito tab
16. @ smart_search_3_bot - finds full name, email, ads
17. @SEARCHUA_bot - gives out a dossier where there is a passport, address of residence, full name, cars, relatives, email, phone numbers and much more
18. Ignorant ( https://github.com/megadose/ignorant ) (t) - will show which site the phone is attached to
19. @clerkinfobot - shows how the phone number is recorded in contacts, takes data from getcontact app



    1.searchlikes.ru ® - finds where there are likes and comments, gives statistics of friends
    2. ininterests.com ( http://ininterests.com/People ) - account information a few years ago
    3. 220vk.com ® - will determine the average age of friends, hidden friends, cities of friends, date of registration, etc.
    4. @VKUserInfo_bot - bot downloads all account information
    5. vk5.city4me.com - statistics of online activity, hidden friends
    6. vk.watch - will show history account since 2016, limited information will show a photo in low quality, you can reduce the scale of the photo, thereby recognizing what is depicted there
    7. VKAnalysis ( https://github.com/migalin/VKAnalysis ) (t) - analysis of the social circle, text , photo, online and account interests
    8. vk-express.ru - account tracking, after adding avatars, likes, comments, group friends, etc. will be available.
    9.archive.org - will show the archived version of the account
    10. InfoApp ( https://vk.com/app7183114 ) - will find created groups, mentions in comments, created applications and comments on photos
    11.yasiv.com ( http: // yasiv .com / vk ) ® - creates a graph of account friends, after registration add the account of the person you want to view to the graph
    12. archive.is - archived account page
    13. @InfoVkUser_bot - bot will show the most frequent places of study of account friends
    14. @ FindNameVk_bot - history of account name changes
    15. vkdia.com - will determine which of the friends the person is chatting with
    16. eog.pw ( http://eog.pw/bot ) - will find a photo of a private account in good quality, date of creation
    17. @Quick_OSINT_bot - will find passwords, social. networks, logins, phones, will analyze friends and much more
    18. vkpt.info (t) - monitor user activities, search for old friends, show who he likes, all user comments, hidden friends
    19. @usersbox_bot - finds a phone number and a lot of other useful data, a free trial for 14 days
    20. @StalkerProjectBot - begins to monitor the appearance of a user on the network for the last
    21 days . @SovaAppBot - statistics of account friends, will show a selection by city, country, age and gender
    22. @ smart_search_3_bot - finds email, phone number and other

    search via the URL

    1. https://onli-vk.ru/pivatfriends.php?id=123456789 - friends search the closed account, change the account ID 123456789 on the VK
    2. https: //vk.com/feed?obj=123456789&q=§ion=mentions - account mentions
    Replace 123456789 with account ID VK 3.https
    : //ruprofile.pro/vk_user/id123456789 - saved account information for 2017-18, replace 123456789 to account ID VK 4.https
    : //rusfinder.pro/vk/user/id123456789 - saved account information for 2017-18, replace 123456789 with account ID VK 5.https
    : //my.mail.ru/vk/ 123456789- will find an account on My World, replace 123456789 in the link with the account ID

    How to find out the phone number of the VK account through Odnoklassniki

    [1] In VK add an account as a friend
    [2] Go to Odnoklassniki and open the section my friends
    [3] Click on the ‘add friends from VK ’
    [4] If an account was found, then copy the link to the found account OK
    [5] Follow this link ( https://ok.ru/password/recovery ) and select restore via profile
    [6] Paste the link into the field which you copied to the profile and click search

    As a result, you will receive a part of the phone number and e-mail address

    How to find friends of a private VK account

    [1] Copy the account ID from which you want to know friends
    [2] Open Google, and paste this ID there, for example: id123456
    [3] In the search results, open sites such as facestrana.ru or boberbook.ru or vkanketa.ru or vkglobal.ru or other sites similar to these
    [4] the site will be the profile of another person (this is one of the friends), copy the ID of this account (ID in the basic information)
    [5] Follow the link 220vk.com
    https://220vk.com/commonFriends ) [6 ] In the first field, insert A friend’s ID, and in the second the ID of a private account
    [7] Press the button “search for mutual friends”

    If there are no friends or there are few of them, use the ID of another friend from the search results in Google

    How to find out the hidden age of the VK account owner

    [1] Install the VKopt browser extension by downloading here

    Find through mentions in VK
    In the VK search, enter * idXXXXXX, where XXXXXX is the account ID, example: * id6492. Also try entering a link to your account in VK

    search Search operators for searching on a VK account
    Google and Yandex search operators are symbols and words that you can use to refine and narrow your search. They are simple and complex and can be combined with each other. Some Google search operators are the same as those used in Yandex, and some work only for a specific search engine

    By account ID

    Replace 123456789 with ID

    1. “id123456789”
    2. “123456789”


    Search the community in VK

    1. InfoApp ( https://vk.com/app7183114 ) - finds comments on behalf of the community, videos, mentions

    How to find the owner of the community in VK

    Through documents

    [1] Open the documents section in the community
    [2] Open source page code (Ctrl + U)
    [3] Open the search box (Ctrl + F)
    [4] In the search box, enter the file name that is in the community.
    The results should contain a line with the file name, example:

    [[“439837850”, “xls”, “Spisok.xls”, “806 KB, December 15, 2016 at 16:58”, “- 27921417”, 0, "", “138633190”, false, 1, ""]]

    where Spisok.xls is the name of the file, and 138633190 is the ID of the user who downloaded this file,

    Search operators for searching the VK community
    Google and Yandex search operators are symbols and words with which you can refine and narrow your search. They are simple and complex and can be combined with each other. Some Google search operators are the same as those used in Yandex, and some work only for a specific search engine

    By community ID
    Replace 123456789 with ID

    1. “club123456789”
    1. “public123456789”
    2. “123456789”


    1.follerwonk.com - full analysis of the account by subscriptions or subscribers
    2. sleepingtime.org ® - determines the approximate sleep time of the account
    3.foller.me - account analytics, will show the top used words, sites, tweet times, mentions
    4. socialbearing .com - account analytics by posts, great emphasis on top frequent words, hashtags, domains and links
    5.keyhole.co ® - account analysis, there are no email and phone checks when registering, enter any data, 7 days free
    6. twint ( https://github.com/twintproject/twint ) (t) - collects account information, tweets related to specific topics, hashtags, finds sensitive information from tweets such as email and phone numbers
    7.analytics.mentionmapp.com ® - will show the relationships between accounts and their frequency and also links with hashtags
    8.burrrd.com - account analysis, will show frequently used words, the inner circle of communication between accounts and much more
    9.keitharm.me ( http://keitharm.me/projects/tweet/ ) - will analyze all the tweets of the account and show all specified geo-positions on the map
    10.archive.org - will show the archived version of the account
    11.socid_extractor ( https://github.com/ soxoj / socid_extractor ) (t) - will find user ID
    12. @usersbox_bot - the bot will find VK accounts with the desired login in the twitter field, enter twitter in the bot: <name>
    13. undelete.news ( https: // undelete. news /) - saves tweets, if there is no account, just add it to the site to spy on him
    14.makeadverbsgreatagain.org ( https://makeadverbsgreatagain.org/allegedly/ ) - analysis of the user’s tweets for the last 2 months, drawing up a schedule with the publication time and frequency
    15. www.tweetbeaver.com - find the relationship between subscribers and the general accounts 2, ID for a username and vice versa
    16. @ smart_search_3_bot - finds email, phone number and another
    17. tweettopicexplorer.neoformix.com - statistics of the most used words in tweets user
    18 . www.twitteraudit.com ® - show the number of true and false subscribers account


    1. phantombuster.com (https://phantombuster.com/automations/tw…-collector ) ® - downloads all subscribers of account
    2. www.tweetbeaver.com - downloads all followers, friends, favorite posts and all account history

    Restore access
    1. Twitter ( https://twitter.com/account/begin_password_reset )

    For tweet
    1.treeverse.app - visualizes Twitter conversations as a graph


    1.graph.tips ( https://graph.tips/beta/ ) - allows you to view which posts the user
    liked 2.whopostedwhat.com ( https://www.whopostedwhat.com/ ) - finds posts on Facebook
    3 .fb-sleep-stats ( https://github.com/sqren/fb-sleep-stats ) (t) - monitors the online / offline status of people, you can get accurate information about their sleep time
    4. lookup-id.com - will show the account ID
    5.keyhole.co ® - account analysis, during registration there are no checks by email and phone, enter any data
    6.archive.org - will show the archived version of the account
    7. @usersbox_bot - the bot will find VK accounts in which in the facebook field, the username you are looking for is specified, enter in the facebook bot: <username>
    8. ffff ( https://github.com/sowdust/ffff ) (t) - partially reconstructs hidden friends using mutual friends functionality. You need to know at least another account that has at least one mutual friend for the purpose of
    9. @ smart_search_3_bot - finds email, phone number and other

    Search via URL

    1. https://www.facebook.com/browse/fanned_pages/?id= USERID - will find user likes, replace USERID with account ID 2.https
    : //facebook.com/friendship/USERID/USERID - mutual friends, shared posts and photos will be displayed, as well as any other related data such as hometowns, schools etc., replace USERID with Account ID
    3.https://facebook.com/browse/mutual_friends/?uid=USERID&node=USERID - find common friends who are public lists of friends, if one of the required users have a publicly available list of friends, replace USERID Account ID
    4. https: / /my.mail.ru/fb/USERID - will find an account on My World, replace USERID in the link with the account ID

    Search Engines
    1.sowdust.github.io ( https://sowdust.github.io/fb-search/ ) - yes filter by date, group, and location, you can find user posts, photos

    1.phantombuster.com ( https://phantombuster.com/automations/fa…le-scraper ) ® - downloads all public information account

    Access recovery
    1. Facebook ( https://www.facebook.com/login/identify?ctx=recover )

    How to find admin groups for your Facebook account

    [1] Register on postman.com and create a new project
    [2] Open the project and press import, select link and paste there https://www.postman.com/collections/f347…c34fb42a59
    [3] After importing, check the “Collections” tab and open the imported project and select headers

    To use the script, you must be “logged in” with Facebook. To do this, you need to copy some data from the browser window from which you are logged into your Facebook account. Use the Socpappet for this in case Facebook decides to block the account.

    [4] Go to facebook.com. Open Browser Developer Tools (F12) and go to the Networking tab. Refresh the page, then select the GET request in network tools. Find the request headers and copy the entire cookie value and paste it on the postman site in the headers tab instead of <insert_cookie_here>
    [5] Open the view-source in a browser: https://www.facebook.com Press Ctrl + F and find the fb_dtsg value. There should be only one search result, and a little to the right of the result there will be text containing value = with additional text in quotes. Copy this text in quotes and paste in the body tab instead of <insert_dtsg_value_here>
    [6] Just below replace <user_id> with your target’s Facebook account ID
    [7] Click Send and wait for a response

    Format the resulting text for readability by clicking the button labeled “Text” and choosing “JSON” from the drop-down list. It will highlight the text and split it vertically.
    To see the groups in which the user is an administrator, scroll down at the bottom until you reach the section titled “admined_groups”

    How to find hidden Facebook account information

    1. Open your profile and copy the full name
    2. Click on profile search and enter the full profile name, then only first name and only last name

    This way you will find profile mentions and a lot of other data


    1.search.buzz.im - search in public channels and groups, it will also find public messages of the user
    2. Telegago ( https://cse.google.com/cse?q=+&cx=006368…fxu7xprihg ) - search for channels and groups , including private ones, as well as search in Telegraph articles
    3. lyzem.com - a search engine similar to buzzim
    4. @usinfobot - when searching by ID, it will find the username, and can also show the old account name
    5. archive.org - will show the archived version of the account (only with public username), channel or group
    6.tgstat.com ( https://tgstat.com/ru/search ) - search by public messages in channels
    7. @SangMataInfo_bot - history of account name changes
    8. @TeleSINT_Bot - will find the groups in which the user is a member
    9. @creationdatebot - the approximate date of the account creation, the bot accepts a username, but the search by ID does not work. To search by ID, you can forward a message from user
    10. @MySeekerBot - search engine on Iranian channels
    11. @get_kontakt_bot - will find the account phone number, the bot accepts username and ID
    12. @tgscanrobot - will find the groups in which the account
    belongs 13. @Quick_OSINT_bot - will find groups of the user and the phone number
    14. TelegramOnlineSpy ( https://github.com/Forichok/TelegramOnlineSpy ) (t) - the log of the online activity of the account
    15. Exgram ( https://yandex.ru/search/site/?text = “HowToFind” & searchid = 2424333) - a search engine based on Yandex, search across 17 aggregator sites, finds Telegraph articles, contacts, private and public channels with
    16. Commentgram ( https://cse.google.com/cse?cx=0063685935…g4r3rz35qi ) - search in comments to posts
    17. Commentdex ( https://yandex.ru/search/site/?text=“HowToFind_bot”&searchid=2444312 ) - search in comments to posts
    18. [TOP] @UniversalSearchBot - user ban status by combot bot , shows the number of blocks, blocked messages and the start date
    19. @ smart_search_3_bot - finds full name

    Search via URL

    1. https://my-medon.aviasales.ru/list?key=tg:123456789- will find ticket subscriptions, replace 123456789 with account ID
    2. https://etlgr.io/conversations/123456789/subscription - will find the saved account name and subscription status for the etlgr service. If the searched user launched the @etlgr_bot bot, then the result is guaranteed. Replace 123456789 with your account ID

    How to find out by the Telegram user ID which private groups he created?
    We take the Telegram user ID, for example - 188610951

    [1] We translate here ( https://cryptii.com/pipes/integer-encoder ) from the text into 32 bit hex. It turns out 0b 3d f9 87
    [2] What happened here ( https://gchq.github.io/CyberChef/#recipe…-_')&input= MGIgM2QgZjkgODc )) translate to base64, it turns out Cz35hw, where w must be removed, that is, the first 5 characters should remain.
    [3] We compose the link on which we will search.
    All private links that this user creates will begin like this:

    t.me/joinchat/Cz35h - This is not a complete link to a private group, but only its beginning.

    Finding a full link to a group

    1. For DuckDuckGo and Yahoo
    “joinchat / Cz35h …” - insert this phrase into the search, replacing Cz35h with what you got

    2. For Yandex
    inurl: joinchat / Cz35h - insert this phrase into the search, replacing Cz35h with what you got

    3. For Google
    “ joinchat / Cz35h ”- insert this phrase into the search, replacing Cz35h with what you got.

    Via URL

    1. https://web.archive.org/web/ * / t.me / joinchat / Cz35h * - will find an entry in the Internet archive , replace Cz35h with what you got
    2. https://web.archive.org/web/ * / telegram.me / joinchat / Cz35h * - will find an entry in the Internet archive, replace Cz35h with what you got

    Search by invitation link to a group / channel
    1. [TOP] @LinkCreatorBot - the bot will find the account ID of the link creator, works with private links to the group even if it is not working, and with private links to the channel that do not have AAAAA in the link
    2. @BademjanBot - the bot can find the owner of the channel, send the channel username to the bot, works only for Persian Telegram channels
    3.telemetr.me ( https://telemetr.me/all_posts/ ) ® - search in more than 200 million posts of Telegram channels to see all posts use phone
    4.tgstat .com ( https://tgstat.com/ru/search ) - search in more than 1.89 billion posts of Telegram channels
    5. Telegago ( https://cse.google.com/cse?q=+&cx=006368…fxu7xprihg) - will find a mention in the description of channels / groups as well as messages in groups and posts of channels
    6. Exgram ( https://yandex.ru/search/site/?text=“HowToFind”&searchid=2424333 ) - a search engine based on Yandex , search 17 aggregator sites, finds Telegraph articles, contacts, private and public channels with groups
    7. @ChatSearchRobot - based on group members, finds public chats
    8. Commentgram ( https://cse.google.com/cse?cx= 006368593537057042503: ig4r3rz35qi ) - search in comments to posts
    9. Commentdex ( https://yandex.ru/search/site/?text=“HowToFind_bot”&searchid=2444312 ) - search in comments to posts


    1.storiesig.com - saved stories
    2.codeofaninja.com - will determine the account ID
    3. sometag.org - account analytics
    4.keyhole.co ® - account analysis, during registration there are no checks by email and phone, enter any data, 7 days for free
    5. archive.org - will show the archived version of the account
    6. @usersbox_bot - the bot will find VK accounts with the desired login in the instagram field, enter instagram in the bot: <name>
    7. undelete.news ( https: // undelete.news/ ) - saves deleted stories and photos, if there is no account, just add it to the site to spy on him
    8.eog.pw ( http://eog.pw/bot ) - gives part of the phone number
    9. @ smart_search_3_bot - finds email, phone number and more
    10. notjustanalytics.com ( https://www.notjustanalytics.com/ ) - account analysis, will show engagement, growth in the number of subscribers, interaction graphs and more

    Parsers 1.downloader

    -for -instagram ( https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detai…miglejmboe ) - extension for Chrome, downloads all photos to the archive
    2. Export List of Followers from Instagram ( https: // chrome. google.com/webstore/detail/export-list-of-followers/hcdbfckhdcpepllecbkaaojfgipnpbpb ) - extension for Chrome, downloads all subscribers and subscriptions of the
    3.stevesie.com account (https://stevesie.com/cloud/apis/instagra…user-posts ) ® - will collect all profile posts and give links to photos

    Search via URL

    1. https://www.instagram.com/example/ ? __ a = 1 - page in JSON format, replace example with the username of account 2.https
    : //i.instagram.com/api/v1/users/123456789/info/ - page in JSON format, replace 123456789 with the account ID that consists of only from numbers (NOT username), you will get everything about the account, if it is a business profile then contacts

    Password recovery

    1. Instagram ( https://www.instagram.com/accounts/password/reset/ )

    Search operators to search for Instagram account

    Google and Yandex search operators are symbols and words that you can use to refine and narrow your search. They are simple and complex and can be combined with each other. Some Google search operators are the same as those used in Yandex, and some work only for a specific search engine

    By account username

    Replace USERNAME with username

    1. “instagram.com/p/” “USERNAME”
    2. site: instagram.com “@username ”-site: instagram.com/USERNAME 3.site:
    instagram.com/USERNAME inurl: max_id =

    1. ok.city4me.com - statistics of online activity, you can find out when you were online, from which device, find out with which of your friends you were online, whom you add as friends or remove from friends, the date of registration of the user
    2. archive.org - will show archived account version
    3.soxid_extractor ( https://github.com/soxoj/socid_extractor ) (t) - will find user ID
    4.m.ok.ru ( https://m.ok.ru/dk?st.cmd=accountRecoverFeedbackForm ) - shows part of the phone number, email, surname and the entire city with the registration date, use in the incognito tab

    Search via URL 1. https: //my.mail.ru/ok/123456789 - will find an account on My World, replace 123456789 in the link to account ID


    1.discord.id - shows the creation date and photo
    2.discordhub.com ( https://discordhub.com/user/search ) - finds servers
    3.discordleaks.unicornriot.ninja ( https://discordleaks.unicornriot.ninja/ discord / users ) - finds servers and messages

    Search by server name

    1. discordservers.com - gives a link to the entry
    2. discord.center - gives a link to the entry, in the database of 36K servers
    3. disboard.org - gives a link to the entry, to base 700K + servers
    4. discord.me - gives a link to join, in a database of 30K + servers
    5. discordbee.com - gives a link to join, in a database of 5K + servers

    1.dht.chylex.com - will download the history of the selected text channel prior to the first message and allow you to download it for offline viewing in your browser


    1.snoopsnoo.com is a powerful account analysis tool. Makes assumptions about the identity of the owner, such as location, family members, favorite topics, etc.
    2.redditinsight.com ( https://www.redditinsight.com/#trackuser ) - account information, karma analytics,
    3 posts . redditinvestigator.com ( http://www.redditinvestigator.com/ ) - analysis account
    4. reddit-user-analyser ( https://atomiks.github.io/reddit-user-analyser/ ) - account analyzer
    5. archive .org - will show the archived version of account
    6.soxid_extractor ( https://github.com/soxoj/socid_extractor ) (t) - will find user ID
    7.redditcommentsearch.com - will find all user comments
    8.roadtolarissa.com ( https://roadtolarissa.com/javascript/red…isualizer/ ) - visualization of the graph of Reddit user’s comments (helps to very quickly find the longest posts of a person for a certain period)
    9.camas.github.io ( http://camas.github.io/reddit-search ) - show almost all deleted posts and comments of the user
    10. redective.com - account statistics, frequent words sabredity and time of the activity profile of

    Search Engines
    1. camas.github.io ( http : //camas.github.io/reddit-search ) - search for all user comments and posts, including remote, there is a filter by date

    Search through the URL
    1. https://pholder.com/u/USERNAME - saved account posts, replace USERNAME

    Search sabredditu
    1.subredditstats.com - statistics of comments, subscribers, messages, keywords, related subreddits

    Search Engines
    1.camas.github.io ( http://camas.github.io/reddit-search ) - search in all comments and posts of a subreddit, including deleted ones, there are filters by date


    1.search.google.com ( https://search.google.com/test/mobile-friendly ) - anonymous viewing of the account, enter the link to the account in the input field
    2.icwatch.wikileaks.org - search by the name of the US account, finds leaked information, phones, mail
    3.rocketreach.co ( https://rocketreach.co/person ) ® - enter the URL in the search bar and the service will give social networks, phones and other data

    1.phantombuster.com ( https://phantombuster.com/automations/li…le-scraper ) ® - downloads all public account information
    2.raven ( https://github.com/0×09AL/raven ) (t) - collection information about employees of the organization from Google

    More methods
    1. Postal code.
    [1] Go to the account page
    [2] Open the source code of the page (Ctrl + U)
    [3] Find (Ctrl + F) there a line with postalCode
    numbers after and there is a postal code


    1.keyhole.co ® - account analysis, during registration there are no checks by email and phone, enter any data, 7 days free
    2. archive.org - will show the archived version of the account
    3.ytch.ru - the history of the channel name change, not everything is
    4.mattw.io ( https://mattw.io/youtube-metadata/ ) - the exact date of the channel creation
    5.unlistedvideos.com - will find the unlisted video of the channel

    Search engines
    1.ytcomment.kmcat.uk - allows you to search for comments on the video throughout the channel

    1.tools.digitalmethods.net ( https://tools.digitalmethods.net/netvizz…l_info.php ) - gives ID, links to avatars, description, title, number of subscribers and views
    2.tools.digitalmethods.net ( https://tools.digitalmethods.net/netvizz…s_list.php ) - exports all videos from a channel to a file with descriptions, links to covers, download dates, etc.

    How to find an account in Google maps and albums with photos knowing the YouTube channel

    1. Open archive.org and enter the link to the channel
    2. Open the source code of the page (Ctrl + U)
    3. Find the phrase “plus.google.com” in the source code (Ctrl + F)
    4. Copy the Google ID, for example 1234567890098765
    5 . Insert ID instead of GoogleID in links:

    Reviews on Google Maps

    My Contributions to Google Maps
    www.google.com www.google.com


    Search operators to search the YouTube channel
    Google and Yandex search operators are symbols and words that you can use to refine and narrow your search. They are simple and complex and can be combined with each other. Some Google search operators are the same as those used by Yandex, and some only work for a specific search engine.

    Doors for Google

    Replace NAME with the channel name and USERNAME with the username from the URL
    1. site: youtube.com/channel | site: youtube.com/c | site: youtube.com/user “TITLE” | “USERNAME”

    Search YouTube videos
    1.mattw.io ( https://mattw.io/youtube-metadata/ ) - tags and date of video download

    1.downsub.com - downloads subtitles

    Search engines
    1.youtubecommentsdownloader.com - gives search in comments to video


    1. mostwantedhf.info ( http://mostwantedhf.info/skype2email.php ) - will find mail
    2.webresolver.nl - will find IP
    3. @usersbox_bot - the bot will find VK accounts with the desired login in the skype field, enter in skype bot: <name>
    4.cyberhubarchive ( https://github.com/cyberhubarchive/archive ) - archive of leaked data, it contains IP addresses of users
    5. @ smart_search_3_bot - finds email, phone number and other

    Search via URL
    1. https://avatar.skype.com/v1/avatars/live…AME/public - account photo. Replace USERNAME with the account login

    Restoring access
    go.skype.com ( https://go.skype.com/reset.password.skype )

    1.cyber-hub.net ( https://cyber-hub.net/steam_resolver.php ) - a tool that allows you to get a user’s IP in real time or from a database with saved results
    2.archive.org - will show the archived version account
    3.socid_extractor ( https://github.com/soxoj/socid_extractor ) (t) - will find Steam ID, even a hidden account
    4. steamid.uk - search by Steam ID, login, Steam3, Community ID, will find nickname history, creation date, avatar history, friends statistics
    5.rep.tf - aggregates account information from different sources
    6. steamidfinder.com ( https://steamidfinder.com/lookup/ ) - cached account information
    7. steamid.io - finds all IDs, old custom URL, name and location
    8. findsteamid.com - finds all IDs, account picture and date of its creation

    1.snapdex.com - detailed information about the account, the site has its own database
    2.snapcode.com - similar to snapdex, but stripped down 3.archive.org
    - will show the archived version of the account

    1. TikTokOSINT ( https://github.com/sc1341/TikTokOSINT ) (t) - will collect all account information
    2.osintcombine.com ( https://www.osintcombine.com/tiktok-quick-search ) - will collect all account information

    Via URL 1. https: //www.tiktok.com/node/share/user/@USERNAME - will show all account details in JSON format, replace USERNAME

    3. MAIL

    For example, you only know somebody @ g ****. ***

    1. Install the Find + Chrome extension
    https://chrome.google.com/webstore/…nd…jjeffmmofb) 2 . Open the following lists of sites
    https://github.com/Matchistador/thr…2e…omains.txt) List2
    https://github.com/Kixiron/Anti-Phi…9b928/Anti-Phish/ data / alldomains.json) List3
    https://github.com/vidyasagarpanati…ec…9e2c/Email Domains) List4

    https://github.com/gyankos/graphjoi…/u…resources/ email.txt) 3 . Open the extension and enter a regular expression there
    X \ w {A} \. \ W {B} $

    Where you need to replace X with the first known letter, A with the number of stars in the domain, and B with the number of stars in the first-level domain

    For example, the address somebody @ g **** is known . *** and the regular expression for it will be g \ w4 \. \ w3 $ (Only with curly braces)

    4. Substituting your regular expression in the search from the extension, you will find sites that match the mask of your email address


    1.haveibeenpwned.com - check mail in
    leaked databases 2. emailrep.io - find on which sites an account was registered using a specific mail
    3. dehashed.com - check mail in
    leaked databases 4. intelx.io - multifunctional search engine, search is still being carried out and on the darknet
    5. @info_baza_bot - will show from which database the mail was leaked, 2 free
    scans 6. leakedsource.ru - will show in which databases the mail was leaked
    7. mostwantedhf.info - will find a skype account
    8. email2phonenumber ( https://github.com / martinvigo / email2phonenumber ) (t) - automatically collects data from account recovery pages, and finds a phone number
    9.spiderfoot.net ® - automatic search using a huge number of methods, can be used in the cloud if you register
    10.reversegenie.com - will find the location, The first letter of the name and phone numbers
    11. @ last4mailbot - the bot will find the last 4 digits of the number phone number of Sberbank client
    12.searchmy.bio - will find an Instagram account with an email in the description
    13. leakprobe.net - will find the nickname and source of the
    leaked database 14. recon.secapps.com - automatically search and create relationship maps
    15. @AvinfoBot (r ) - will find an account in VK
    16. account.lampyre.io (t) ® - the program searches for accounts in social. networks and messengers and other sources
    17.eog.pw ( http://eog.pw/bot) ® - will find the photo of account
    18. @StealDetectorBOT - will show part of the leaked password
    19. scylla.so - search engine in the databases of leaks, will find passwords, IP, nicknames and much more, in the search field enter your email: and after the e-mail address , for example email: example@yandex.ru
    20. @Quick_OSINT_bot - will find passwords, social. networks, logins, phones and much more
    21. cyberbackgroundchecks.com ( http://www.cyberbackgroundchecks.com/email ) - will find all the data of a US citizen, access to the site is allowed only from a US IP address
    22. holehe ( https: // github.com/megadose/holehe ) (t) - the tool checks the accounts of which sites are registered to the desired email address, search 30 sources
    23.tools.epieos.com (https://tools.epieos.com/email.php ) - will find Google ID, will provide links to the profile in Google maps, albums and calendar, will find which sites the mail is linked to, LinkedIn
    24 profile . [TOP] @UniversalSearchBot - search for accounts in Yandex services such as Zen, Kew, Maps, Reviews, Collections and District, he will also find the Gmail address to which the desired email is attached, and much more
    25. grep.app - search in GitHub repositories
    26. @PasswordSearchBot - gives passwords
    27. Checker # 7610 ( https://discord.gg/XrvbG9DkNM ) - Discord bot, find passwords, sites where they were taken from and where mail is linked
    28. m.ok.ru ( https://m.ok.ru/dk?st .cmd = accountRecoverFeedbackForm) - shows part of the phone number, email, surname and completely the city with the registration date, use it in the incognito tab
    29. www.avatarapi.com - will find an avatar from a variety of sources
    30. @mailExistsBot - will find which sites the mail is linked to, give data from the forms password recovery
    31. @SEARCHUA_bot - issues a dossier for a citizen of Ukraine where there is a passport, residence address, full name, cars, relatives, email, phone numbers and much more
    32. @SovaAppBot - will find which sites the mail is linked to, the results may differ from similar tools
    33. @shi_ver_bot - leaked passwords
    34. @ smart_search_3_bot - finds full name, date of birth, address, phone number and much more, gives several free attempts for one account

    Search via URL

    1. https://yandex.ru/collections/user/LOGIN - an account in Yandex Collections, contains the name and photo of the account. Replace LOGIN with a username from the mail address WITHOUT @ yandex.ru
    2. https://music.yandex.ru/users/LOGIN - an account in Yandex Music, contains the name and photo of the account. Replace LOGIN on yuzerneym of addresses almost without yandex.ru @
    3. https://my.mail.ru/yandex.ru/LOGIN - search your account on MyWorld, replace LOGIN to your email address without yandex.ru @
    4. https: //filin.mail.ru/ pic?email=LOGIN@yandex.ru - picture account on mail.ru, replace LOGIN@yandex.ru to an email address Yandex
    5. https://myspace.com/search/people?q=LOGIN@yandex.ru - an account on MySpace, any account can bind any mail without confirmation, replace LOGIN@yandex.ru with Yandex email address

    Restoring access

    1. Vivo
    https://passport.vivo.com/# / retrievePwdEmailVerify ) 2. ebay
    https://signin.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?SignIn ) 3. PayPal
    https://www.paypal.com/authflow/password-recovery/ ) 4. Mail.ru
    https://account.mail.ru/recovery/ ) 5. Xiaomi
    https://account.xiaomi.com/pass/retrieve…alRetrieve ) 6. Twitter
    https://twitter.com/account/begin_password_reset ) 7. VK.com
    https://vk.com/restore ) 8. Ozon.ru
    9. Facebook
    https://www.facebook.com/login/identify?ctx=recover ) 10. Cloud.Huawei.com ( https://id8.cloud.huawei.com/AMW/portal/…count.html )

    How to find a photo album and profile in Google Maps knowing Email from Yandex

    [1] Open hangouts.google.com on your PC and in the left corner click on contacts
    [2] Click create a chat and enter the required email address in the search
    [3] Right-click on the account name and select inspect
    [4] In the developer tools, find string c hovercard-oid
    [5] After this phrase there will be a 21-digit ID, copy this ID

    Using Google ID

    1. https://get.google.com/albumarchive/Goog…ile-photos - replace GoogleID with those the numbers you copied will find the album of account pictures
    2. https://www.google.com/maps/contrib/GoogleID - replace GoogleID with the numbers you copied, will find the account in Google maps

    If you don’t want to search manually, you can use the @GetGmail_bot bot

    How to find mentions of an email address on GitHub

    [1] Heshiruem in SHA1 here ( http://www.sha1-online.com/ ) email address before the @ sign, ie not only the entire address and username
    [2] Get 4b9e910872a66d9b7d7e137ad70e3abfaad7eda7 example and create a new Google BigQuery here
    https://console.cloud.google.com/bigquer…ge=dataset ) [3] In the larger field, enter this
    repo_name, commit,
    author.name, author.email,
    committer.name , committer.email
    author.email like ‘4b9e910872a66d9b7d7e137ad70e3abfaad7eda7%’
    committer.email like '4b9e910872a66d9b7d7e137ad70e3abfaad7
    with what you got with SHA1
    [4] Click “Execute”, we expect, we get a table from repositories, commits and “anonymized” email addresses

    How to find an account on gravatar.com by e-mail address
    [1] Open this site ( https://xorbin.com/tools/md5-hash-calculator ) and enter your e-mail address in the large field
    [2] Click on Calculate MD5 hash
    [3] Copy the result, for example 1aedb8d9dc4751e229a335e371db8058 (MD5 hash)
    [4] Substitute what you copied into this link instead of MD5

    As a result, you can get an account on the gravatar, which may contain a photo and contact information.

    LinkedIn by e-mail
    [1] Open this URL ( https://outlook.live.com/people/0/ ) and sign in with your Microsoft account
    [2] Create a new contact with email address only
    [3] Click on the created contact and select LinkedIn tab
    [4] Click the “Continue to LinkedIn” button (you need a LinkedIn account) and click the “accept” button

    How to find a Pinterest account knowing your Email
    [1] Log in to your Pinterest account in the web version on the desktop
    [2] Click the new message in the upper right corner
    [3] Enter your mail in the “to” field

    If the mail is linked to an account, this account will appear in the pop-up list

    How to find an account in VK knowing the e-mail address from Yandex
    [1] Remove @ yandex.ru from the mail address, you will have a username
    [2] Insert your username into the link https://api.music.yandex.net/users/LOGIN and follow the link
    [3] Find the line SocialProfiles there and follow the link to the page in social. networks

    Does not work with all

    Yandex accounts OSINT tool

    YaSeeker is an OSINT tool for obtaining information about any Yandex account using email or login.

    He can find:

    Full name
    Yandex UID
    Yandex Public ID
    Linked accounts in social networks
    Activity (number of reviews, comments; subscribers and subscriptions)
    Account features (whether it is verified, banned, deleted, etc.)
    Checked Yandex services: Music, Collections, Bugbounty, Reviews, Q (Experts), O (Bulletin Board), Zen, Market, Messenger.


    1.haveibeenpwned.com - check mail in
    leaked databases 2. emailrep.io - find on which sites an account was registered using a specific mail
    3. dehashed.com - check mail in
    leaked databases 4. intelx.io - multifunctional search engine, search is still being carried out and on the darknet
    5. @info_baza_bot - will show from which database the mail was leaked, 2 free
    scans 6. leakedsource.ru - will show in which databases the mail was leaked
    7. mostwantedhf.info - will find a skype account
    8. email2phonenumber ( https://github.com / martinvigo / email2phonenumber ) (t) - automatically collects data from account recovery pages, and finds a phone number
    9.spiderfoot.net ® - automatic search using a huge number of methods, can be used in the cloud if you register
    10.reversegenie.com - will find the location, The first letter of the name and phone numbers
    11. @ last4mailbot - the bot will find the last 4 digits of the number phone number of Sberbank client
    12.searchmy.bio - will find an Instagram account with an email in the description
    13. leakprobe.net - will find the nickname and source of the
    leaked database 14. recon.secapps.com - automatically search and create relationship maps
    15. @AvinfoBot (r ) - will find an account in VK
    16. account.lampyre.io (t) ® - the program searches for accounts in social. networks and messengers and other sources
    17.eog.pw ( http://eog.pw/bot) ® - will find the photo of the account
    18. @StealDetectorBOT - will show part of the leaked password
    19. [TOP] @UniversalSearchBot - the bot will find the account ID, give a link to Google Maps and albums, and much more
    20. scylla.so - search engine for databases of leaks , will find passwords, IP, nicknames and much more, in the search field enter email: and after the e-mail address, for example email: example@gmail.com
    21. @Quick_OSINT_bot - will find passwords, social. networks, logins, phones and much more
    22. GHunt ( https://github.com/mxrch/GHunt ) (t) - the tool will get Google ID, devices, account name, find which Google services are used, data from reviews on Google maps
    23.cyberbackgroundchecks.com ( http://www.cyberbackgroundchecks.com/email) - will find all the data of a US citizen, access to the site is allowed only from the US IP address
    24. holehe ( https://github.com/megadose/holehe ) (t) - the tool checks the accounts of which sites are registered to the desired email address, search by 30 sources
    25.tools.epieos.com ( https://tools.epieos.com/email.php ) - will find a Google ID, give links to a profile in Google maps, albums and calendar, find which sites the mail is linked to, a LinkedIn profile
    26. grep.app - search in GitHub repositories
    27. @PasswordSearchBot - gives passwords
    28. Checker # 7610 ( https://discord.gg/XrvbG9DkNM ) - Discord bot, finds passwords, sites where they are taken from and where mail is attached
    29. m.ok.ru (https://m.ok.ru/dk?st.cmd=accountRecoverFeedbackForm ) - shows part of the phone number, email, surname and the whole city with the registration date, use
    30 in the incognito tab.www.avatarapi.com - will find an avatar from the set sources
    31. @mailExistsBot - will find which sites the mail is linked to, give data from password recovery forms
    32. @SEARCHUA_bot - issue a dossier for a citizen of Ukraine where there is a passport, residence address, full name, cars, relatives, email, phone numbers and much more
    33 . @SovaAppBot - will find which sites the mail is attached to, the results may differ from similar tools
    34. @shi_ver_bot - leaked passwords
    35. @ smart_search_3_bot - find the name, date of birth, address, phone, and much more, gives a number of free attempts per account

    Search through the URL

    1. https://my.mail.ru/gmail.com/LOGIN - search on My Account Peace, replace LOGIN to your email address without gmail.com @
    2. https://filin.mail.ru/ pic?email=LOGIN@gmail.com - picture account on mail.ru, replace LOGIN@gmail.com to an email address gmail
    3. https://calendar.google.com/calendar/u/0/ embed?src=LOGIN@gmail.com - calendar entries, replace LOGIN@gmail.com to an email address gmail
    4. https: // myspace .com / search / people?q=LOGIN@gmail.com- an account on MySpace, any account can bind any mail without confirmation, replace LOGIN@gmail.com with a Gmail email address

    Restoring access

    1. Aol
    https://login.aol.com/ ) 2. Vivo
    https://passport.vivo.com/#/retrievePwdEmailVerify ) 3. ebay
    https://signin.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?SignIn ) 4. PayPal
    https://www.paypal.com/authflow/password-recovery/ ) 5. Mail.ru
    https://account.mail.ru/recovery/ ) 6. Xiaomi
    https://account.xiaomi.com/pass/retrieve…alRetrieve ) 7. Google
    (https://accounts.google.com/signin/v2/identifier ) 8. Twitter
    https://twitter.com/account/begin_password_reset ) 9. VK.com
    https://vk.com/restore ) 10. Ozon.ru
    11. Facebook
    https://www.facebook.com/login/identify?ctx=recover ) 12. Cloud.Huawei.com ( https://id8.cloud.huawei.com/AMW/portal/…count.html )

    How to find a photo album and profile in Google Maps knowing Email from Gmail
    [1] Open hangouts.google.com on your PC and in the left corner click on contacts
    [2] Click create a chat and enter the required email address in the search
    [3] Right-click on the account name and select inspect
    [4] In the developer tools, find string c hovercard-oid
    [5] After this phrase there will be a 21-digit ID, copy this ID

    Using Google ID

    1. https://get.google.com/albumarchive/Goog…ile-photos - replace GoogleID with those the numbers you copied will find the album of account pictures
    2. https://www.google.com/maps/contrib/GoogleID - replace GoogleID with the numbers you copied, will find the account in Google maps

    If you don’t want to search manually, you can use the @GetGmail_bot bot

    How to find mentions of an email address on GitHub

    [1] Heshiruem in SHA1 here ( http://www.sha1-online.com/ ) email address before the @ sign, ie not only the entire address and username
    [2] Get 4b9e910872a66d9b7d7e137ad70e3abfaad7eda7 example and create a new Google BigQuery here
    https://console.cloud.google.com/bigquer…ge=dataset ) [3] In the larger field, enter this
    repo_name, commit,
    author.name, author.email,
    committer.name , committer.email
    author.email like ‘4b9e910872a66d9b7d7e137ad70e3abfaad7eda7%’
    committer.email like '4b9e910872a66d9b7d7e137ad70e3abfaad7
    with what you got with SHA1
    [4] Click “Execute”, we expect, we get a table from repositories, commits and “anonymized” email addresses

    LinkedIn by e-mail
    [1] Open this URL ( https://outlook.live.com/people/0/ ) and sign in with your Microsoft account
    [2] Create a new contact with email address only
    [3] Click on the created contact and select LinkedIn tab
    [4] Click the “Continue to LinkedIn” button (you need a LinkedIn account) and click the “accept” button

    How to find an account on gravatar.com by e-mail address
    [1] Open this site ( https://xorbin.com/tools/md5-hash-calculator ) and enter your e-mail address in the large field
    [2] Click on Calculate MD5 hash
    [3] Copy the result, for example 1aedb8d9dc4751e229a335e371db8058 (MD5 hash)
    [4] Substitute what you copied into this link instead of MD5

    As a result, you can get an account on the gravatar, which may contain a photo and contact information.

    How to find a Pinterest account knowing your Email
    [1] Log in to your Pinterest account in the web version on the desktop
    [2] Click the new message in the upper right corner
    [3] Enter your mail in the “to” field

    If the mail is linked to an account, this account will appear in the pop-up list

    4. FULL NAME


    1. aleph.occrp.org - search in databases, files, company registers, leaks, and other sources
    2.locatefamily.com ( https://www.locatefamily.com/ ) - will find the address
    3.infobel.com - will find phone number, address and full name
    4.rocketreach.co ® - search for people on LinkedIn, Facebook and other sites, finds email
    5.munscanner.com ( https://munscanner.com/dbs/ ) - search in company registries different countries
    6. world.192.com - directory of sites for white and yellow pages on the search for a person, there are almost all countries
    7. news-explorer.mybluemix.net - search in the media, will find associations between companies, publications and personalities
    8. sanctionssearch. ofac.treas.gov - Search US Sanctions List
    9.emailGuesser (https://github.com/WhiteHatInspector/emailGuesser ) (t) - picks up on the basis of all possible combinations of the FI email address and verifies their
    10. FuckFacebook ( http://4wbwa6vcpvcr3vvf4qkhppgy56urmjcj2…onion.pet/ ) - finds a Facebook account with your phone number in a major leak

    Restoring access
    1. Samsung ( https://account.samsung.com/accounts/v1/MBR/findId ) - will show part of the email or phone, you must enter the full date of birth

    Search operators to search by the full name of a citizen of any country

    Google and Yandex search operators are symbols and words that you can use to refine and narrow your search. They are simple and complex and can be combined with each other. Some Google search operators are the same as those used in Yandex, and some work only for a specific search engine

    Dorki for Google

    Replace full name with full name of citizen
    1. “Full name” ext: doc | ext: docx | ext : ppt | ext : pptx | ext : pdf | ext: txt | ext : eek:dt | ext: log


    1. @egrul_bot - will find individual entrepreneurs and companies
    2. reestr-zalogov.ru - search in the register of pledgers, give passport data, place and date of birth, etc.
    3. zytely.rosfirm.info ( https://zytely.rosfirm.info/m/ ) - will find the registration address and date of birth, you need to know the city
    4.mmnt.ru - will find references in documents
    5.kad.arbitr.ru - cases considered by arbitration courts
    6. bankrot.fedresurs.ru - search in the bankruptcy register, you can find out TIN, SNILS and the address
    7. sudact.ru - judicial and regulatory acts of the Russian Federation, search by participants and courts
    8. spra.vkaru.net - telephone directory for Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Lithuania and Moldova
    9.fssprus.ru ( http://fssprus.ru/iss/ip/) - check of debts, for physical. persons
    10. gcourts.ru - search for decisions of courts of general jurisdiction
    11.service.nalog.ru ( https://service.nalog.ru/inn.do ) - will find the TIN, you need to know the full name, date of birth and identity document
    12 .reestr-dover.ru ( https://www.reestr-dover.ru/revocations ) - search in the list of information about the cancellation of a power of attorney 13.judicial decisions.rf (
    http: //xn–90afdbaav0bd1afy6eub5d.xn–p1ai/) - find court decisions, documents with full name, date and article
    14. notariat.ru ( https://data.notariat.ru/directory/succe…iddle_name=# ) - search in the register of inheritance cases, find the date death of the person and the address of the notary who issued the case
    15.eog.pw - reverse search in GetContact, finds part of the phone number
    16.nalog.ru ( https://service.nalog.ru/inn.do ) - finds TIN, you must specify the date of birth and passport data, the date of issue is not necessarily true
    17.go.mail.ru ( https://go.mail.ru/msocial ) - searches for accounts in VK, OK and Facebook
    18. bigbookname.com ( https://bigbookname.com/search# ) - finds ancient data of VK profiles, there are filters by date of birth, country and city
    19.notariat.ru ( https://notariat.ru/ru-ru/help/probate-cases/ ) - if a person has died, he will find the date of death, the number of the inheritance file, where it was opened and by what notary
    20.news-explorer.mybluemix.net - search in the media, find associations between companies, publications and individuals
    21. sanctionssearch.ofac.treas.gov - search in the US sanctions list
    22. emailGuesser ( https://github.com/WhiteHatInspector / emailGuesser ) (t) - selects all possible combinations of email addresses based on FI and verifies them
    23. @ av100_bot ® - gives a phone number, finds courts and debts
    24. wordstat.yandex.ru - will show what they are looking for together with FI or Full name in Yandex
    25. FuckFacebook ( http://4wbwa6vcpvcr3vvf4qkhppgy56urmjcj2…onion.pet/ ) - finds a Facebook account with a phone number in a major leak

    Restore access

    1. Samsung (https://account.samsung.com/accounts/v1/MBR/findId ) - will show part of the email or phone, you must enter the full date of birth

    Search operators for searching by the full name of a Russian citizen

    Google and Yandex search operators are symbols and words with which you can refine and narrow your search. They are simple and complex and can be combined with each other. Some Google search operators are the same as those used in Yandex, and some work only for a specific search engine

    Dorki for Google

    Replace full name with full name of citizen
    1. “Full name” ext: doc | ext: docx | ext : ppt | ext : pptx | ext : pdf | ext: txt | ext : eek:dt | ext: log



    Search by photo with a face
    1. Findclone.ru ® - will find a VK profile
    2. @ av100_bot - will find accounts in VK containing photos with a face, just send him a photo with a face
    3. pimeyes.com - index photos from sites, not accurate, limited features
    4. search4faces.com - will find VK profile, OK and TikTok, not accurate
    5. @Smart_SearchBot - find a page in VK, a free period a few days after the start of the bot
    6. azure.microsoft.com ( https: // azure.microsoft.com/ru-ru/services/cognitive-services/face/#item2Content-centered ) - correlation of faces, will determine the likelihood that the same person is depicted on two different images, and will give a credibility score
    7. @vkfindface_bot - will find an account in VK, the search is not accurate
    8. @facematch_bot ® - will find a photo with the same face taken from the sites kipyat.com and ppz.kz

    Search engines

    1. Yandex
    https://yandex.ru/ images /) 
    2 . Google
    3 . Bing ( https://www.bing.com/visualsearch)
     4 . Mail.ru( https://go.mail.ru/search_images) Using a video with a face 1. scanner.deepware.ai - detects a face faked by a generative adversarial neural network in a video


    1.3wifi ( https://3wifi.stascorp.com/map ) - will find wifi hotspots with passwords
    2.kamerka ( https://github.com/woj-ciech/kamerka ) (t) - will find cameras, devices on the map internet of things, printers, tweets, Instagram photos, Flickr and other open devices
    3.wigle.net - will show the SSID and BSSID of the Wi-Fi point
    4. osintcombine.com - will find Facebook pages of organizations
    5. trendsmap.com - trending map on Twitter
    6 . omnisci.com ( https://www.omnisci.com/demos/tweetmap/ ) - will show tweets on map
    7.mattw.io ( https://mattw.io/youtube-geofind/location ) - find YouTube videos
    8.windy.com - many cameras with a history search function, there is a map
    9.sanstv.ru ( http://sanstv.ru/photomap/ ) - will find photos and tweets, there is a filter by date
    10.opencellid.org - cell towers, will find MCC, MNC, LAC, CID
    11.strava.com ( https://www.strava.com/heatmap ) - site shows where athletes run
    12.map.snapchat.com - will find recent Snapchat videos
    13.doogal.co.uk ( https://www.doogal.co. uk / strava.php ) - data from Strava, shows usernames
    14. udeuschle.de ( https://www.udeuschle.de/panoramas/makepanoramas_en.htm ) - will create a panorama of mountains
    15. www.whopostedwhat.com - find photos on Instagram filtered by date
    16.onemilliontweetmap.com - will show tweets for the last 24 hours on the map
    17. SnapMap-OSINT ( https://github.com/sc1341/SnapMap-OSINT ) (t) - download all photos and videos from Snapchat in the specified radius of
    18 on the map . Telegram-Trilateration ( https://github.com/jkctech/Telegram-Trilateration ) (t) - shows the exact location of Telegram users who have enabled the “people nearby” function
    19.flickr.com ( https://www.flickr.com/ map ) - will find user pictures on the map, select the search location, click “search the map” and then “go”

    Satellite images

    1.wikimapia.org - satellite images from Google, Yandex, Bing and Yahoo, there is a filter of buildings by year of construction, by categories, the designation of objects of which is not
    present on other maps 2. livingatlas.arcgis.com ( https://livingatlas.arcgis.com / wayback / ) - will show historical pictures
    3.satellites.pro - there are Apple, MapBox, Yandex, Esri and Google
    maps 4. apps.sentinel-hub.com ( https://apps.sentinel-hub.com/eo-browser / ) ® - a database of almost daily satellite images, you can make a time-lapse

    Video surveillance
    1.windy.com - there is a history of recordings
    2.world-cam.ru ( https://world-cam.ru/world/ ) - cameras in real-time

    1. www.vesselfinder.com- will show all ships on the map

    Street View
    1. Google ( http://www.google.com/maps/ ) - 360 degree view in almost all countries
    2. Mapillary ( https://www.mapillary.com/app/ ) - data is uploaded by users, not always there is a 360-degree view
    3.openstreetcam.org ( http://openstreetcam.org/map/ ) - data is uploaded by users, no panoramas

    Search by physical address in Russia

    1. Ros.reestr ( https://rosreestr.ru/wps/portal/p/cc_ib_…ne_request ) - reference information on real estate
    2.address.stop-list.info - check for real estate mortgage or mortgage, cadastral value of the object, court cases
    3.zytely.rosfirm.info ( https://zytely.rosfirm.info/m/ ) - will find all residents of their full name and date of birth
    4.photo-map.ru ® - will find photos from VK, search radius from 10 meters
    5. snradar.azurewebsites.net - will find photos from VK, search radius from 10 meters, date filters
    6. wigle.net - will show SSID and BSSID of Wi-Fi point
    7. osintcombine.com ( https://www.osintcombine.com/facebook-geo-pages) - will find Facebook pages of organizations
    8. omnisci.com ( https://www.omnisci.com/demos/tweetmap/ ) - will show tweets on the map
    9.trendsmap.com - trending map on Twitter
    10.dom.gosuslugi.ru ( https://dom.gosuslugi.ru/#!/houses ) - will give the passport of the building
    11. kamerka ( https://github.com/woj-ciech/kamerka ) (t) - will find cameras, IoT devices on the map, printers, tweets, Instagram photos, Flickr and other open devices
    12.mattw.io ( https://mattw.io/youtube-geofind/location ) - finds YouTube videos
    13.bo.nalog.ru - finds organization and full information about her including finances
    14. @VipiskaEGRNbot - finds cost and area data on the cadastral map
    15. sanstv.ru ( http://sanstv.ru/photomap/ ) - finds photos and tweets, there is a filter by date
    16.cian.ru ( http: // www.cian.ru/map ) - will find ads and house layout
    17.strava.com ( https://www.strava.com/heatmap ) - site shows where athletes run
    18.map.snapchat.com - will find recent videos from Snapchat
    19.doogal.co.uk ( https://www.doogal.co.uk/strava.php ) - data from Strava, shows names of members

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    We don’t promote any illegal activities.
    Hacksnation.com has no control over the shared content and nature of the external sites.

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