• Course
  • Made Easy Gate All Courses

1) How to Play gem file ,please refer this video :

2) Access keys for ece:
ECE LIVE : yL3@cQ6xfjGz2TDhxbWEC01
ECE CTQ :yL3@c

    Just follow the steps I am suggesting and you will get your desired key

    1. Download videos from the given link

    2. Download gilisoft gem player for your pc or for your mobile

    3. Then download drm protection by gilisoft in your laptop or pc

    4. You will see a box there name as create password

    5. Click on that

    6. In password section just write decryption key of your course Which are given here

    yL3@cQ6xfjGz2TDhxbWCS01ndf CSE LIVE

    yL3@cQ6xfjGz2TDhxbWCS02ndf CSE CTQ

    yL3@cQ6xfjGz2TDhxbWEE02ndf EE CTQ

    yL3@cQ6xfjGz2TDhxbWME03ndf ME QRC

    yL3@cQ6xfjGz2TDhxbWME02ndf ME CTQ

    yL3@cQ6xfjGz2TDhxbWME01ndf ME GATE+ ESE -Live

    yL3@cQ6xfjGz2TDhxbWCL01ndf Civil GAte+ESE -Live

    yL3@cQ6xfjGz2TDhxbWEC02ndf ECE CTQ

    yL3@cQ6xfjGz2TDhxbWEC01ndf ECE Live

    yL3@cQ6xfjGz2TDhxbWGS01ndf GENERAL ES

    7. Then play your downloaded video in gilisoft gem player

    8. It will generate a machine code

    9. Copy that machine code and paste it into drm protection

    10. And in watermark section you can leave it blank

    11. Then at the end tap on create play password

    12. Here you go

    13. You have your key for your course and for your respective machine code

      INDAKOBA Hi Buddy, None of the Keys worked for me. I initally tried the ME QRC and this failed to work, So I checked with others and the result was same. None of the keys are working.
      I am adding the screenshot.

        Anubis while placing the encryption key check once
        INDAKOBA he provided encryption key as

        So you have to select only

        yL3@cQ6xfjGz2TDhxbWEC02 and search,
        May if this works but not sure

          Draven Brother I had tried by removing last 3 characters also and still It was not working. May be as INDAKOBA said there might be changes in Keys.

          12 days later

          Add after c in yL3@cQ… and it will work hopefully

          I mean * after c in yL3c… password

          17 days later

          CSE LIVE : yL3@cQ6xfjGz2TDhxbWCS01

          CSE CTQ : yL3@cQ6xfjGz2TDhxbWCS02

          MECHANICAL LIVE : yL3@cQ6xfjGz2TDhxbWME01

          MECHANICAL CTQ : yL3@cQ6xfjGz2TDhxbWME02

          MECHANICAL QRC CLASSES : yL3@cQ6xfjGz2TDhxbWME03

          ECE LIVE : yL3@cQ6xfjGz2TDhxbWEC01

          ECE CTQ : yL3@cQ6xfjGz2TDhxbWEC02

          GENERAL ESE : yL3@cQ6xfjGz2TDhxbWGS01

          CIVIL LIVE : yL3@cQ6xfjGz2TDhxbWCL01

          EE CTQ : yL3@cQ6xfjGz2TDhxbWEE01

          EE CTQ : yL3@cQ6xfjGz2TDhxbWEE02

          REST OF THE COURSES: yL3@cQ6xfjGz2TDhxbW

            8 days later