@CyberianHunter hi, can you please upload stage 3
Adit's Guitar Lessons Courses
It seems the OP won’t be uploading stage 3 course, let’s all form a telegram group and contribute to buy the stage 3 course and music theory? if anyone’s up, then drop your telegram id, will add to the group who’ll contribute to buy the course
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darks4ber even if only 100 guys are ready, it will only cost 50rs per contributor for stage 3
darks4ber t.me/bmkiran88
darks4ber t.me/avengeralemaari
can someone please give me this coures and how to decode it thanyou
CyberianHunter can you please give me your telegram link I also want this course he is a great teacher but i cannot afford this course. Also I am learning guitar from 3 months but this will be useful as he is a great mentor. I cannot decode also please send me. I will be very grateful to you
darks4ber please add me in stage 3 course group.
I will definitely contribute, whatever money needed
prajeetks8852 t.me/Prajeetks
@Vishalkushvaha add me too please
Uploaded Stage 3….. Go & Check
@CyberianHunter when will you upload the practical music thoery vidoes or rest of the bundle?
darks4ber Never…..
@CyberianHunter bro just a request,as you’re going to delete the telegram channel,can you please upload the rest of the course and then delete the channel in 24 hours?
Humara bhala ho jaega yaar
First of All this thread has been started with requesting Stage 1, Stage 2 & Stage 3 and I Think I’ve Done My Work With Uploading These All Stages + I Added Extra Course From My Side As A Gift i.e. Master The Modes In 30 Days Course, And I Don’t Think I Need To Upload More Course By Investing Lots of Time Downloading Each Video + Resources…. I’ve Leaved This Field 7-8 Months Ago, I Saw Many People Were Requesting For Stage 3 From Long Ago And I Thought This Is The Last Time I’ll Do And Leave, Just For The Sake of You Guys I Did It Again and Uploaded Back Your Requested Stage 3, Now I’m Leaving This Job and This Illegal Activity on Internet + This Forum! Because I’ve Already Leaked 50-60 Sites Premium Courses With TB’s of Data and I’m Tired of This Shit…. Have a good luck with your guitar training and shine like star….
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CyberianHunter no issues bro it was just a request and thanks for the stage courses tho
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@CyberianHunter i was hoping you can atleast upload the practical music theory course,if possible?