Max7v7v7 if you dont know this then stay away you need to learn before using these things

ninja_13 hmmm…okay haven’t you done anything illegal like using pirated material etc

    Thanks for this great course, send more content like this.

    waiting for you


    yaa i pirated many stuff but i know thats illigal

    but piracy is not blackhat cracking in cracking u stole the credential and also the money of the people

      ninja_13 Agree with you but I think using any pirated software is like also illegal using without paying them


        yes but as u know that software are mostly develop by the organisation and alot of people actually buy the software after pirating them and using them but in cracking they are targeting one person not organising imagine u have netflix subsciption, or u have some money on your paypal , or store some of your data on your email,phone and some else steal it from u that will more distratrous than pirating movie or software

          ninja_13 are cracking software, movies and games illegall then why compainies do not stop website that upload pirated thing?


            they are shuting down wesite but u know the website just provide the torrent link not file and torrent are host on people pc like suppose there are 50 people sedding means the software is present on those pc and u are downloading parts by part from there pc thats why its reccomend to use vpn because it doesnt show your ip so that isp cant figure out u actually is this many time u have seen the news that people get notice for downloading torrent file or these software ,movie this is because they were not using vpn/seedbox while seeding thats why its easy to locate there ip and send notice u can also check other ip which are part of swan (download any torrent and see the peer it will show are the ip of the people u are seeding/downloading that torrent

              ninja_13 thanks for this information, most of the time I don’t use vpn because downloading speed gets slow but after reading your comment I will always use VPN

                homie4u if u are in india u can download without vpn

                but if u are outof india u must use vpn

                24 days later