Submission Secrets E-BOOK ma man please this
nanokai Bro this is not even related about this topic stop spamming
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taxcollector Also send me that ebook if you have that
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taxcollector +1
Where it is? Send me on telegram you have my username
nanokai you find this course bro?
taxcollector Bro wants to seduce attractive girls 😂
ShivamB you teach him how to service girls
AmanMourya09 Aman what you think what’s important money or women, Well everyone have different desires some want sex than some want power, But everything comes down to one think that is “money”. I think for getting pu**ies you first need to focus on yourself if you are clean, looks good and make around $10K a month, than there is no reason for you to not get any women, But if you make $10K and still not get b*tches than you have a problem a serious problem and then you can find this bullshit books on how to seduce girls, So i want to ask this to the guy who asked for the book, Do you make $10K a month? if not, Than wtf are you searching for, Search on how you can make more money, not this bullsh*ts.
and if you still want a book on seduction, Just read “the art of seduction” That’s the best book out there every other seduction books is created by this books principles.
ReedBandil nope
There is nothing like tantric sex or BDSM or submission unless and until you don’t get a women to do it . Art of seduction and Laws of Power are theory which looks easy to execute when you read but difficult and messier when execute in the field . Shivam please read The Game by Neil Strauss . It will help you to cultivate your mindset and then see this link
Then join the below telegram channel if you want to join the community
Game Global Telegram Groups
VishrutNair jason himself need this course
taxcollector bump it
taxcollector brother do you have this
Link -
AmanMourya09 Nope brother