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  • Dr K's Guide to Mental Health

sahilshah07 you can ask chat gpt help for downloading membership video with YTDLP software that’s how I did

    sahilshah07 his income will not drop since I wasn’t going to buy it anyway LOL. There is a lot of other yt videos/articles and probably better than this

    8 days later

    sahilshah07 YouTube already blocked your videos. You can use RuTube instead, they will never delete anything

    13 days later

    I agree with @Place_Holder . Understanding Self esteem and Understanding ego are the ones that may be wanted. Someone already put up the part one of ego in this thread so wish the other parts are there too.

    9 days later
    4 days later

    vega79 Yes belive me it’s 79GB data videos 49 videos+ 10 pdf guide.. maybe it’s updated.. I will show you screenshot of the same