So, I made a Notion templates same as Shwetabh did in course. You can access them and duplicate them and change it according to your problem, system or goals.
ATTACK MODE By Shwetabh Gangwar
Tons of thanks 🙏🙏🙏
GamerBoy33 Thanks man
notion links are not working bro
GamerBoy33 Great, thanks a ton
KillerAnkan they are working do it properly
by the way thanks for the course
bro will you give updates of this course
GamerBoy33 Thank you so much bro
I saw a Nuclear Mode by Shwetabh , where he shared few new Notions links. Can anyone share that ? Thanks
Nikkrsha where you saw bro can you provide me those videos
I saw a short clip on telegram where Shwetabh mentioned 4 notions for “Nuclear Mode” or “Nuke Mode” he shared. I think on his website.
Anyone have access ,can please share.
- Edited
@corayil787 Is this updated with the Nuclear mode Module? It was added recently
Nikkrsha i also want +1
Thank you so much bro, you don’t know how much you’ve helped me.
I have nuclear mode only for 100
corayil787 pls send me full course with nation links
corayil787 Hey can you send me the notion links? Thanks