Hey, do you have DSMP 1.0 material available?
CampusX Data Science Mentorship Program by Nitish Singh
sarojkanxo yes (complete)
ONLY DSMP 2.0!!!
I want DSMP 2.0 content, how to reach you?
sarojkanxo brother I want dsmp 2.0, I am not selling dsmp 2.0
here is the download link: https://tii.la/KYWPuETQdBN
download link: https://bit.ly/1WIk
please do not click on these links anyone,
after infinity redirect (a->b ->c ->a … so on) and multiple popups on one click you will reach al https://www.up-4ever.net/ojhwrj4hhftn [DANGER: this is a virus file of 18KB]
please ban these account and report that threads
i have some DSMP 1.0 paid session but not complete
I’ve already downloaded DSMP 1.0 in its entirety and DSMP 2.0 from November 16, 2023, to March 16, 2024 (covering 4 out of 7 months), but I’m choosing not to distribute it until August.
Don’t try to outsmart me. You got DSMP 1.0 for free on Telegram, and now you’re attempting to sell it for a quick buck.
Don’t sell what you obtained for free. 💓
- Edited
no i am not a seller bro, don’t think who reply to your message gonna be a seller. I am just asking people if they got DSMP 2.0 material, and asking them if they want to share with us as I am also doing DSMP 1.0 from youtube and gonna complete this course by end May. If i get access to DSMP 2.0 i can follow it that why i am asking each one. As, you said you got 4 month DSMP 2.0 material, by any chance in future, if you gonna distribute it, please let me know. I want to continue this course, way of his teaching is really good.
Delhi bro can u share ur tg id if u dont mind
sarojkanxo bro so dsmp 2.0 is continuation of 1.0? shd one complete 1.0 before starting with 2.0?
sarojkanxo got it
dsmp 1.0 core ds concept k liye hey, almost course video are freely available in youtube but some are paid session for which you must pay.
Yes, to do dsmp 2.0 you must need to know all core concept which taught in 1.0 but, if you buy dsmp 2.0 all dsmp 1.0 material also included there.
Why post is showing ‘Awating approval’? since 7 hours? any my some post are waiting from 3 days.
hekapoo3036 Hi send me that Link Here Please