New RDP - 14th December 2021
Server -»
User -» Administrator
Password -» P@55word
————»More Information«————
Processor -» INTEL XEON E-2224
RAM -» 2GB
CPU -» 3.41Ghz
Verification -» Working! ✅
Server -»
User -» Administrator
Password -» P@55word
————»More Information«————
Processor -» INTEL XEON E-2224
RAM -» 2GB
CPU -» 3.41Ghz
Verification -» Working! ✅
Server -»
User -» User2
Password -» tally@123
————»More Information«————
Processor -» Not Specified
RAM -» 24GB 🔥
CPU -» Not Specified
Core -» 4
Verification -» Just Checked Now! ✅
Mysterious its working
vMrhack yes bro 👍
For how many days a rdp works?
It expires after 24 hours or what?
WahabAbbasi 3-4 Months 24×7. Can be used for mining.
vMrhack No bro it’s not ngrok
Mysterious thanks
cyber21 Maybe another user have did it. Moreover, I’m sharing the administrator user. User can change the password too..
Server -» >!<
User -» User2
Password -» admin@123$
————»More Information«————
Processor -» Not Specified
RAM -» 16GB 🔥
CPU -» Not Checked
Core -» 4
Verification -» Just Checked Now! ✅
Server -» >!<
User -» User1
Password -» Admin@123#
————»More Information«————
Processor -» Not Specified
RAM -» 16GB 🔥
CPU -» Not Checked
Core -» 8
Verification -» Just Checked Now! ✅
Server -»
User -» User
Password -» O_O@123
————»More Information«————
Processor -» Not Specified
RAM -» 16GB 🔥
CPU -» Not Checked
Core -» 8
Verification -» Just Checked Now! ✅
Mysterious Not working sir
Mysterious Not working..
Mysterious May i get one personally for myself? With 3-4 momths of validity? I need for encoding that one 🙂
m3z Let me see
Mysterious Thanks much sir 🙂