New RDP - 16th December 2021
Server -» >!<
User -» User2
Password -» admin@123$
————»More Information«————
Processor -» Not Specified
RAM -» 16GB 🔥
CPU -» Not Checked
Core -» 4
Verification -» Just Checked Now! ✅
Server -» >!<
User -» User2
Password -» admin@123$
————»More Information«————
Processor -» Not Specified
RAM -» 16GB 🔥
CPU -» Not Checked
Core -» 4
Verification -» Just Checked Now! ✅
Server -» >!<
User -» User1
Password -» Admin@123#
————»More Information«————
Processor -» Not Specified
RAM -» 16GB 🔥
CPU -» Not Checked
Core -» 8
Verification -» Just Checked Now! ✅
Server -»
User -» User
Password -» O_O@123
————»More Information«————
Processor -» Not Specified
RAM -» 16GB 🔥
CPU -» Not Checked
Core -» 8
Verification -» Just Checked Now! ✅
Mysterious Not working sir
Mysterious Not working..
Mysterious May i get one personally for myself? With 3-4 momths of validity? I need for encoding that one 🙂
m3z Let me see
Mysterious Thanks much sir 🙂
Sir can I also get a RDP with a validity of upto 6 months?
randomzeus1 yes. I’m sharing vps rdp & public rdp both daily. The first person who takes the vps rdp, changes the password. That’s why others cant login ☺
Mysterious Okay. Thank you sir. I would be looking forward to have one.
Mysterious can i get rdp Account
Mysterious how to connect a rdp in windows 10
bro plz upload new rdp
edp all is using another member
Server -»
User -» Administrador
Password -» Qwe.123
Verification -» Just Checked Now! ✅
Server -»
User -» Student
Password -» Pa55w.rd1234
Verification -» Just Checked Now! ✅
Server -»
User -» Administrator
Password -» password0!
Verification -» Just Checked Now! ✅
Server -»
User -» Student
Password -» Pa55w.rd1234
Verification -» Just Checked Now! ✅
————»More Information«————
Somewhat laggy