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  • Data Analyst career courses | 365 data science

These courses were free a month back, but due to health conditions, I could not sit in front of the monitor.

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Data Analyst career courses

1. Introduction to Data and Data Science with Martin Ganchev and Iliya Valchanov

Link: https://learn.365datascience.com/courses/preview/intro-to-data-and-data-science/

2. Introduction to Excel with Ned Krastev

link: https://learn.365datascience.com/courses/preview/introduction-to-microsoft-excel/

3. Statistics with Iliya Valchanov

link: https://learn.365datascience.com/courses/preview/statistics/

4. SQL with Martin Ganchev and Vladimir Saev

link: https://learn.365datascience.com/courses/preview/sql/

5. Introduction to python with Martin Ganchev

link: https://learn.365datascience.com/courses/preview/introduction-to-python/

6. The Complete Data Visualization Course with Python, R, Tableau, and Excel with Elitsa Kaloyanova

link: https://learn.365datascience.com/courses/preview/data-visualization/

7. Data Preprocessing with NumPy with Viktor Mehandzhiyski

link: https://learn.365datascience.com/courses/preview/data-preprocessing-numpy/

8. Data Cleaning and Preprocessing with pandas with Martin Ganchev

link: https://learn.365datascience.com/courses/preview/data-cleaning-preprocessing-pandas/

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    4 months later