Thank a lot for the huge effort of ripping this site, however, some of us can’t download or see the videos, let’s work together to see if we can upload them in dr1v3 or m3g4 @dpond :)

- Sep 5, 2023
- Joined May 4, 2022
- 0 best answers
Thank you so much, I transfer one file from mega to gdrive using rclone and it is amazing, I just tried it and it works fine, the key here is:
1- If you do not have mega pro, try to transfer no more than 5gb daily.
2- If you have mega pro you can transfer up to the limit of your plan (usually 1 tb a month) or the daily limit of drive 750 gbs per day.
3- Make sure you copy the script to your drive before you give access to your information, if you do not do this, you are using the file save somewhere else and the person who owns the file (rclone in google collaps) can edit, delete and have access to your files.
4- I tried it and it works fine.