• Request
  • Leveraged Edits by Brett Fully UTuber (After Effects and Premiere Pro Advance)

Ya sure thing, if I’m not offering them for free I’m a scammer
Who cares, I got my money, 8 people got the course. I’m done and you keep blaming here

    nerd_athlete how we believe you brother, you also not have solid proof just sent screenshot not sent a class. if you are real then share any one class so, other believe bro :)

    Let me know if anyones selling. Willing to buy

      nerd_athlete Please don’t join this group now

      I have sold to enough people and do not wish to indulge in anything more. Thanks

      If anyone wants the course, which was GB (Group bought) for a few dollars, dm on https://t.me/aneeshhh777

      I need only 5-6 people and will share it with them in the next couple of hours.