Raju234 you asked you have course bro
Leveraged Edits by Brett Fully UTuber (After Effects and Premiere Pro Advance)
anyone please have it dm me i will give tharun speaks and beer biceps acidbite the editnig formula and his full assests collection my mega link got copyright and i dont have the backup please i want please dm me on telegram https://t.me/gamer2499848348
Raju234 You were giving course to everyone and now u are asking for it? What happened?
nerd_athlete scam. asked me 450. i asked for the ss of content and he couldn’t provide.
aryanherereplies Bro, what are you saying? I provided course to everyone who paid for it with proof. Even uploaded multiple times for them as well. Please use your words wisely.
Guys @Raju234 is a pure SCAMSTER. Don’t indulge in buying a course from him, save your precious money.
- Edited
Update: Currently uploading on mega
Will send to only the people who have DMed me up until now,
Won’t send you if you DM me now, reason: it’s a fucking hassle,
I have and will send to the people who have replied to my comment in this thread, so you can ask them for the course.
unavailable Dmd you. Accept my request
unavailable trying from long time. But I guess I can’t dm unless you accept my request
unavailable And main thing u providing for free and people started selling it.. give me mega link and rest is on me. everyone will get course for free 🆓
unavailable Hi klet, sent you a dm and a friend req. Thanks
nerd_athlete bro i dont have the backup and the link get copy right
Raju234 give me your telegram, I’ll help you
nerd_athlete i am talking about raju.
aryanherereplies bro i dont have the course why you are complaining about me
unavailable i cant dm you because we are not on same server. until you do not accept my request i cant dm. thanks.
nerd_athlete bro given