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A Fire Upon the Deep by Vernor Vinge
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The Ancient Science of Mantras: Wisdom of the Sages
Book by Om Swami
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Respond to this text, If anybody wants me to look into more books for you
Make Epic Money
Author : Ankur Warikoo
Aphator Need every book of Nielsen Norman Group Can you please help me with that?
ShubhamPattanayak wish i could, but that’s alot of books man. I don’t think i would be able to find each of them manually
Aphator cant you just search the keyword neilsen norman group
I did try that, that didnt work
How about the “The Fundamentals of Trade Finance, 3rd Edition” book by Joseph F. Greco Ph.D and Brian Murray. It has a digital version but I could not find it anywhere on the Internet. Can you get this book please?
ISBN-13: 978-1647042868