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Notion Templates <> Master Thread
ErenYeager123 Mega link is not working… Can you Reshare it?
I need this template please:
LiFE RPG - Notion Templates by HeyAlbert
Would love to find Headquarters if anyone has it.
ErenYeager123 its expired
This was posted on the r / notion this morning before the mods took it down. It’s a bunch of paid templates. It’ll take a while (like 1-3 hours) to duplicate. I think you could duplicate individual pages though.
ErenYeager123 the link is blank, shall you please to update the link?
memesgamer I am interested in purchasing this template. If you’re interested as well, we can purchase together.
thefool369 I am interested in purchasing this template. If you’re interested as well, we can purchase together.
zer0ii thank you very much*1M
can anyone give me free notion template or study planner template for free
downloading link: -https://mega.nz/#F!gqvsfsTsMxkAZbhbsgsg?Nhgbbv
Oliver I Am Interested In Purchasing It Too
- Edited
@ shihab_sarkar
PsychoInc I have this template. But I have to exchange something valuable. dm me on telegram @Erenexion
ErenYeager123 how much are you selling it for?
Oliver @ErenYeager123 says he has the template
zer0ii bro the link you have provided doesn’t get you anywhere , it just short link ads on loop