can anyone give me free notion template or study planner template for free

zer0ii bro the link you have provided doesn’t get you anywhere , it just short link ads on loop

    ErenYeager123 Will I receive future updates if I obtain this template from you? As there are plans for a Book Tracker, Finance Tracker, Focus Dashboard, and many more in the future…(i found it WiKI RoadMap)

    thefool369 I think you’re confusing my post with another one here. My link is just to a Notion template.

    I am sharing the life rpg template to only who can exchange a rare and unleaked notion template. If you dont have that, you have to pay $10 through amazon gift card. Brokies stay away.

      thefool369 Heyy bro have you got the template if yes then can you sell me too… And if not i am interested in buying it in partnership My telelgram id = @Jagtap96k

        anyone have august bradley’s PPV notion template or course? ideally v3 or newer than 2022