broke_polyglot02 hello if you have something notion intrested we could exchnage of course i could show live life proof or you could ask for whatever u want i have no problem
dm me here
Notion Templates <> Master Thread
i provide free notion templates here "
it includes easlo second brain pro and templates and so many ones
templatize you can find here
Link :
Doido did you get it??
memesgamer did get the liferpg temp??
Does anyone have the language learning template by anna lenkovska or elysse speaks?
jotarokujo nope… 😓
reply Easlo, pleaaaase
gcroveratti leave a nice word and like please
templatize Hi! Does anyone have Anna Lenkovska’s new digital declutter template? Or any of her other templates?
Hi! I am looking for easlo’s freelance OS
memesgamer I have it dm me on telegram Kranchal
Hey everyone I have life rpg notion template dm me on Telegram
Doido There you go, bless you :
I can already see the ones trying to sell it on telegram start molding lmao
but dont care, enjoy people
Rick055 Thank you
Rick055 thank you so much good sir/maam! finally could reverse engineer this template!