Notion Templates <> Master Thread
Doido There you go, bless you :
I can already see the ones trying to sell it on telegram start molding lmao
but dont care, enjoy people
Rick055 Thank you
Rick055 thank you so much good sir/maam! finally could reverse engineer this template!
honeycookii well if you do this correctly, maybe share it to the people, im sure it can be useful
Rick055 May your kindness be returned tenfold. I wish to be as kind and helpful as you someday, you made many people’s day, I hope you can remember your good deed even on your most darkest days. Remember that you shine as bright as any star in the night sky. I hope blessings come on your way everyday. My sincere thanks.
Looking for this template
looking for this one
SamoEsper can u reply again? i couldn’t duplicated when you posted
Does anyone have Better Creating Templates? Thank you!
broke_polyglot02 He’s a bitch i know i tried so hard to get a template from him but bro didn’t agreed he even asked me for a template in return but mf didn’t replied… I was ready to pay lol he was a scammer
Hi can anyone kindly help me get this for free, for studying purposes:
Thank you so much in advance!
Hi! can anyone help me for this template? ultimate finance-tracker
honeycookii i also am in need of this
i found new good template
please share if possible ,
thank you
Rick055 Thank you so much!
Anyone have gamified life OS? Good day!
Hello everyone, can anyone help me get this one? Is a studies tracker, it has really clean visuals and good utility.