Learn how to live yourself
Ultimate Life Mastery
Admin please look into this .
Alt I respect your opinion, But whatever this guy just said “Learn how to live yourself” is worth mentioning bro. Don’t get offended. Since you mentioned “Learning from other experiences is better” it will be too late by the time you understand that these courses are no more than a digital product. Just another way of cashing-out.
If somehow I get my hands on these courses will surely upload it here.
IMO you can go for few excellent TV series on how to date and pick up girls, and what to??, and what not to !! types of TV Series.
charlieharper Hi Charlie I understand that you mean .
I am at such point in life , where I literally need something to climb up . I am trying again and again and failing .
Being an introvert , these videos have helped me a lot , I am good with people now , and i can make good convo as well.
I need you all help in this aspect and I will look into those TVs you mentioned.
I attended another course of his , and as we are from the same place , I related more to his problems and the failures he overcome .
It may sound silly to you , but something in me is saying to give it a shot . Just One last shot .
I have access to some courses of his but not the ones I uploaded in the picture , Just this .
Thank you in advance .
new additional individual links :
Online Dating Mastery : https://jas-explains.teachable.com/courses/online-dating-mastery/lectures/38233250
Flirt Like a pro :https://jas-explains.teachable.com/p/flirt-like-a-pro
Ultimate Dating Mastery : https://jas-explains.teachable.com/p/ultimate-dating-mastery
bedroom : https://jas-explains.teachable.com/p/ultimate-bedroom-mastery
Alt Uh are exploring yourself, go for it and make a change if uh feel like. I’ll try giving an extra effort looking for your course. Will soon upload the links here.
charlieharper it means a lot
sxwzed The link looks phishing
Please provide this course
Found this link you can check it :
DemonSlayer fake link
JeanLucFontaine couldn’t access the Links