Awwwards - Merging WebGL and HTML Worlds
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Category: Tutorial
You’ve probably seen all those amazing awwwards websites with WebGL effects on their images. But what’s even more amazing, is when those images seem to be part of the HTML content of the page. How is that even possible? Well, that’s exactly what we are going to do in this course. We will merge HTML and WebGL!
In this course you will learn how to apply some stunning WebGL effects to the images you already have on your webpage. We will start from a beautiful but static HTML template. And spice it up with Three.js and WebGL.
About Instructor:
Yuri Artiukh
Creative developer, CTO of frontend agency
Yuri leads a small frontend agency in Kyiv, Ukraine. Also streams occasionally on youtube about creative coding and frontend development. He is very passionate about watermelons, math, frontend performance and generative art.
Skills covered in this course:
• UX Design
• Interaction Design
• WebGL