• Tutorials & Methods
  • How to Hack Instagram Account Just By Using This Link! (NEW TRICK 100% WORKING)

In this video I will show you how to hack instagram account just by sending this link to the victim and then you can get his account (Email & Password), If you want to get the script watch this video and contact me with my email.

- You can watch the video from here :

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Its simple Phishing …. and he is using a more difficult method

and There is no such idiot in the CS field who does not understand the difference between HTTP and HTTPS headers


    Can you but the video in mega site because ;the video dosent work in youtube

    • xa- replied to this.


      Video removed by youtube and TBH the video was useless.

      Tonight I will post a good tutorial/site about phishing.

      Or you can try these tools








        There are also some websites like myshraider.net which have premade phishing pages for different sites like Fb, insta, insta followers, Twitter, Snapchat and many more.


          I think its better we use our own made ngrok link, honestly many of the people doesnt even know about that kind of link

          • xa- replied to this.
          • xa- likes this.


            These phishing sites play a better role because they create a tempting look like for example- Instagram increase your followers, get 10k followers, for pubg - get free uc ,etc

            Ngrok is mainly used for payload … its also good but it didn’t create an HTTPS connection for phising and also the landing page


              https://myshraidar.net/login.php is the best site out there, I know there are others as well, but this has been the oldest and most trusted one. It may be a bit slow but we can trust it.

              7 days later


              Bro there was nothing in the video … you can search phishing on youtube and google to find more good information

                a year later