jake_peralta Exactly!! That’s why I wanna share it in tg
Anastasia Beauty Fascia Course
Darking go ahead and create another post then. This community is all about give and take for free, no need to accuse me sth that i didnt do while defending a rude comment
@jake_peralta Looks at this Anastasia_Fascia__. This guy has apparently used chatgpt to write this pleasing request. They are all afraid of you!!
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Why should I create a post? I’ve already stated where I’ll share the files. However, you were the one specifically asking for a mega upload. And, ironically, you were complaining how long it takes to upload a huge file on mega. You’re a hypocrite!!
Darking it’s not fear when ppl understand that courtesy is fundamental for a civilized society, you misinterpret things like a liberal and labeling it as fear, and trying to ruin ppl’s reputation when all I do is share link and asking ppl stop being rude on this free platform is crazy
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Darking i did not complain honey, i said I needed time to reupload and you kept complaining abt me not renewing the link and not uploading. you need therapy for asking this much attention and need for approval from strangers online
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Darking calling me names and negative adj doesn’t prove you’re right, you just wanna feel good abt yourself by forcing the “best way” onto ppl and get mad when others not following your way
I only share links for free and comment on a rude comment, but now you’ve overtaken it and become the rudest one
congrats and get help
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jake_peralta What do you mean by that? You were the first one to ask about uploading on mega, not me. I had to ask you about renewing mega link because you were so obsessed with uploading in mega while I was good with TG. I ain’t looking for approval or anything but you are the narcissistic one, as you wanted everyone to beg you for your courses
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jake_peralta Buddy you are the one who’s wanting to feel good about oneself. Who’s the one expecting a normal comment to be more polite xd. And you’re the one forcing the “best way” into the comment section. You’re even defending about your opinions with civilization and stuff. You need some help man
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Darking when did i ask ppl to beg me? i have reuploaded the videos regardless of him being rude??
again calling ppl narcissist doesn’t prove anything. and I didn’t ask anything abt uploading on mega.
get a life
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Darking rude ppl treating another rude ppl’s behavior as normal. Got it
jake_peralta I like how you’re still referring him as rude
Darking you literally ignored all the false accusations you have on me and focused on the rude comment being not rude only
nice try
I’ll stop replying to your non-sense now
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jake_peralta Those are my lines. You were the one who’s not taking responsibility for being arrogant and ignoring my statements. You straight away labelled me as a liberal. You even said I needed therapy when I questioned you of your behaviour. You wanted me to upload in mega in one instance and then immediately complained how long it takes to upload in mega. You’re being a hypocrite. You’re not just rude, you’re manipulative and narcissistic. I too don’t have time to deal with you. Get a life
@jake_peralta Thank you bro just downloaded.
Darking hi, i cant find you on telegram. Can you please confirm that your @name is correct?
thanks @jake_peralta for uploading the files! It seems that they are getting faster in removing your content, they were gone before i got to complete my download :(
As previous comments have said. Link not working
Dbe i’ve reuploaded, pls check again
ConnorDavidson i’ve reuploaded, pls check again
jake_peralta it worked now! Thank you so much