• Course
  • HUGE Collection of IIT JEE & NEET Video Lectures and Study Materials for FREE |ETOOS| Kota|


when i tried to download it said web page download limit reached
cannot download then

  • xa- replied to this.
  • xa- likes this.


    It’s mega limit … and make multiple accounts using temp mails and import in them instead of downloading

    a year later
    5 months later

    Updated some links!!

    hello admin sir
    please update the above links

    please sir

    • xa- replied to this.
      4 days later
      20 days later

      xa- plz update this course link it’s different “Rapid Crash Course of Mathematics For JEE Main 2020 by GB Sir ”. I would love it.

        a year later
        2 months later

        kartik1143 Sorry but it is very very old content and very difficult to find the same, but we will try

          5 days later

          xa- almost all course folders are empty. Videos are deleted.

          all in one place in better in gdrive

          17 days later