• Course

These are the good one’s thanks for the course

  • XDJ likes this.

Can you provide these courses on send.cm or googledrive instead of mega.nz?

  • XDJ replied to this.

    Can you update the Docker Essentials course?

    • XDJ replied to this.
      6 months later

      Unable to extract rar file. showing password protected. could you please let e know how to extract this?

      a month later

      Hi xdj@hacksnation can you include Javabrains Spring boot and microservices all courses.

      Thanks in advance bro.

      4 days later

      Vishal567 well as far as I know mega doesn’t allow downloading large files from browser (atleast in chrome as I have seen) you have to download their app to download large files. It asks me to download from mega app for files bigger than 300mb. You can try using the mega app with vpn to download files bigger than 5gb when you hit transfer quota pause it change location on vpn and continue. That what I know which works for me.

      a year later

      can update cloud basic course pls. tks

      2 months later

      @XDJ Thanks a ton!!!
      Can you please update this course if possible?

      5 days later



      Could you pls provide relational database course from java brains if possible?

      Will be looking for your reply..

      11 days later


      Could you pls upload java brains full SQL and database courses pls pls pls….

      a month later