akreminho there are no videos. Only text and images in all the courses.
i will send you pdf of the courses if u can share the creds with me.
8 days later
I can help you with that. I have a script.
Please connect with me on telegram @hm58677
Can anyone share how to download educative.io courses? I have an annual subscription.
1)I am not willing to share my credentials. But I am willing to download any/all courses for the community.
2)I am not gaining anything(!!) out of it since I have an annual subscription that will serve me till April 2024.
a month later
6 months later
@KebbyOtis do you have link to backtobackswe course by any chance?
8 days later
KebbyOtis @KebbyOtis I am not able to find it anywhere. It is so hard to find. I found one which is missing 50% of the videos because it is outdated from 2020. Please help if you can
25 days later