Gdrive Link - Click here
Note - I am not the owner of this shared drive
Gdrive Link - Click here
Note - I am not the owner of this shared drive
Oh, this one. I found this a year ago. I thought it got taken down. You might need google translate. Most folder names are Vietnamese.
xa- i am curious to know how the ownner of this gdrive managed 300 Tb of space and that too without any issues from Google i mean just like in mega /with respect to content also could you share your views can we too create
Most of the folders are junk, a shared drive by many users. I had access long before. mostly personal data and pics
FutureReader now the link is not working i need that link please 300tb or coding ninjas algo expert
ShaikMohammedHussainBasha if you get it can you please also give me link
This is very Discussion guys. We will post when we have a new one.