• Course
  • [Download] Breaking Into Wall Street Premium - Financial Modeling Fundamentals For Free

13 days later

Password is –> “@InsightSquad” & in some cases its “chandrawal”

Hope this help u guys.

8 days later

congtri1 Could you upload the rest of the courses, mate? Oil & Gas Modeling, Bank & Financial Institution Modeling, PowerPoint Pro, Advanced Modeling, Bonus Case Studies

Hello everyone. I have the remaining files on Oil&Gas Modeling, Bank and Financial Institution Modeling, PowerPoint Pro, Advanced Modeling and Bonus Case Studies.

I’m willing to share them with everyone and post about it on here on one condition. The condition is that someone also shares the Module 2 L2 File (aka. Core Financial Modelling Module) either on here, or with me in private. That way people can have full access to the course and not trip over the Advanced Modelling module and Case Studies, for which you kind of need to know Core Financial Modelling in order to understand them effectively.

If you can do so, or have done so, add me on discord and message me: solarsneaker (I rarely check this forum anymore so message me on there for way faster replies)

    22 days later
    a month later

    I found this magnet but the peers are bad.


    7 days later

    can someone who has downloaded the torrent fully please be online for a while? appears to be perma stuck at 5%