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  • [Download] Breaking Into Wall Street Premium - Financial Modeling Fundamentals For Free

Breaking Into Wall Street Premium - Financial Modeling Fundamentals Download For Free

If youve already signed up for our free video tutorials, you will have already seen how Breaking Into Wall Street can benefit just about anyone interested in moving into finance and anyone who wants to advance within the industry. Here are just a handful of the hundreds of customer testimonials we have received about our Courses:

Course Highlights
The topics in Breaking Into Wall Street are designed to prepare you for what youll need to know when:
1. Youre interviewing with banks and other finance firms; and
2. Once you start working at a bank (or private equity firm, or hedge fund, or other finance firm).
Everyone is coming in with a different level of technical knowledge, and thats why weve made it easy
to tackle the lessons in any order you want.
If youre in a time crunch and needed answers yesterday, you can skip to whatever you need help with
but if you want to go through everything from top to bottom, you can do that too.
- There are 390 videos with accompanying Excel files for everything. That amounts to 145 hours
of video altogether, which may seem like a ton of content. But dont worry: everything is
broken into bite-sized chunks so you can digest it easily.
- All the content is downloadable to your preferred device (works with QuickTime and most
other media players and on desktops, laptops, tablets, iPads, iPhones, iPods, and yes, even
Android-based and other smartphones as well).
- You also get full transcripts of all the videos. There are ~1.7 million words total, and all the
transcripts are also downloadable. Use the transcripts to learn via written text rather than
video, or to quickly revisit key concepts without having to find the exact location in the videos.
- Easily keep track of your progress: As you move through the lessons, you can check off what
youve completed and whats still on your to-do list.
- Fast answers to all your questions: Our expert support team is standing by to answer any
questions you have about any of the content, 365 days a year.
- Quizzes and Certifications. After you have completed each course, you will be eligible to take
our challenging Certification Quiz. Once you pass the Quiz, youll receive a Certificate that you
can add to your resume / CV and refer to in interviews.
- Included Lifetime Access: You also get lifetime access, so you can come back to the course
whenever you need it whether thats in 1 month, 1 year, or 10 years.
One final note: Ive listed everything below every single module and lesson in the full package.
However, you dont have to sign up for everything if you dont need it. You have 3 signup options, which
Ill outline at the end of this document.

To be clear, the following document outlines everything thats in the BIWS Premium package the
Excellence with Excel, Financial Modeling Fundamentals, and Advanced Financial Modeling courses.
However, if you only sign up for one of those courses then you only get whats in that course.
So if you sign up for only the Advanced Financial Modeling course, you will NOT get whats included in
the Excellence with Excel or Financial Modeling Fundamentals courses.
To get everything outlined here, you must sign up for the BIWS Premium package (this package also
offers you, by far, the best value).
You receive the Bonus Case Studies if you sign up for the Excel & Fundamentals course, the Advanced
Modeling course, OR the BIWS Premium package.
You do NOT receive the Bonus Case Studies if you sign up for the Excellence with Excel course
separately, but other than that ANY sign-up option available for these courses will give you access to
the Bonus Case Studies.

Whats Your Investment In This Course?
And What Are Your Alternatives?
To put this in context, lets look at your Return on Investment in this Course
The pay for entry-level investment banking jobs varies from year to year, but its safe to say that even
entry-level Analysts would make at least 100,000+ USD right out of university.
At the MBA level, that climbs to 200,000 USD. And as you progress, your total compensation only gets
higher and higher.
Compared to the potential upside, your investment in this Course is nominal:
Your investment in the full BIWS Premium course (including ALL of the valuable content and training
detailed above) is just 497. You can also invest in either component separately:
- Excel & Financial Modeling Fundamentals: 347
- Advanced Financial Modeling: 347
So in other words, by investing just 497 in the BIWS Premium course, youre greatly improving your
chances of landing a job that pays 100,000 in Year 1 thats more than a 200x return on investment!
Even if this training only helps you to land an internship, youre still looking at a minimum of 10,000 for
that internship at a large bank an ROI of more than 20x.
Plenty of other training firms charge much more for less content and value and in some cases, for
courses that arent even designed specifically for online learning. Lets look at a few examples:
- Wall Street Training: 3,050
- Training the Street: 600
- Wall Street Prep Premium: 499
Now, if I were a banker valuing a company that was out-performing its competitors, I might say that it
should be valued at a premium to the comps.
I could have just said, Well, this course is better than anything else out there in terms of content,
support, and value, so it should be the most expensive on the market.
But I would much rather offer these Courses at a very affordable price and put them within reach of
anyone at all who is serious about breaking into and advancing within the finance industry.

01 Accounting Fundamentals
02 Creating 3-Statement Projections
03 Equity Value, Enterprise Value & Multiples
04 Valuation Overview & Comparables
05 Discounted Cash Flow Analysis
06 Valuation Summary
07 Merger Model
08 LBO Model
09 More Advanced LBO Model



Rar Password: XDJ

a year later
2 months later
8 days later

I bought the course on the website; I might have been scammed initially.

But they send the download link almost instantly after payment.

It’s incredible; it saves a lot of money.

share it if anyone found the upadated version

7 days later
a month later
14 days later

First of all thank you for this course, the only thing that works on the internet so far.

As many users above, I’d really appreciate it if you can crack the series BIWS Platinum as well.

Thank you so much for the time, wishing you a nice day!

    please send the gdrive link for the course