If you want to start competitive programming then choose C++ over any language because it’s fast and have oops + STL library for competitive programming

For in-depth knowledge and path, you can read - (i think these are one of the best roadmaps )



    mike you can start by completing data structures and algorithm in any language( prefer C++) and at the same time you can do codechef or hackerearth monthly competitions.

      xa- thanks so much for this. The two links answered my questions and cleared my doubts completely.

      However, the last thing I need from is that, if you would recommend any C++ course for me, which one woud it be.

      Thanks as I await your recommendation.

      AyushJain I think I will start with SPOJ, then move to hackereath and to codechef, Thanks for your advise


        Ohk you are from NG , Maybe SPOJ is famous there …. BTW hackerrank / hackerearth are the most basic and codeforces / codechef are on the next step

          xa- Yeah, I am from Nigeria.

          You know anyone from here?

          And btw, pls you are yet to give your recommendation 😇

          By the way…. any competitive programmer here?

          I would like to connect so I can either learn from them, or we can learn together ..

            Hello AyushJain I will like to get in touch with you.

            This forum does not have message / dm features.

            You on telegram or something?


              Yes, Now it has but only available for some categories/Roles only.

              You can use your bio to give your social media handles

              AyushJain Hey, if you don’t mind can you create a common group on discord or telegram for solving DP problems. I’d like to be there.

              7 days later
              4 days later