• Request
  • Codie Sanchez – Buying a Small Business

It would be amazing to have this course available, in my opinion, it looks like one of the best courses out there for anyone wanting to buy or create a business. Please @XDJ check it out, it’s definitely worth it!

25 days later
a month later
9 days later

I don’t think they were able to find that out… but it might be the best course out there on corporate finances, business management, and business acquisition. It would be so dope for the community to have it!

17 days later
a month later
5 days later
5 months later
2 months later

ShresthaRafeh does this link work? I mean, it’s obvious that you have to pay for it, but did you buy it and check it’s legit?

a month later
10 months later
2 months later

Thank you sandrok!!!

Oliver’s links are a scam