Most Telegram bots, which search for and issue personal data at the user’s request, work according to the OSINT scheme , that is, they rely on open sources, for which they exploit the APIs of various services and Internet resources. Others use merged databases, but such services, firstly, do not always function stably, and secondly, they experience problems with updating information: any database leaked to the public becomes obsolete over time and, of course, is not updated.
Such bots are monetized either through donations or through advertising, or the admins limit the number of free requests, after which the bot starts asking for money for each next issue. Sometimes - if the admins are very greedy - all methods are used at once.
Obviously, not all bots are created equal. Some ask for money, but in response they either do not find relevant information, or give outright bullshit. Others seem to work, but so strange that the reliability of the data offered by the bot remains questionable.
So that you do not waste precious time and money looking for pearls in a heap of organic fertilizers, I tested the most popular Telegram bots for punching and will share the results with you right now. Let’s go!

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Eye of God

Another popular bot that has been mentioned in a number of recent journalistic publications. The bot has a fairly extensive set of functions: search by name in a simple text format, by car number, by phone number, by email address, by the name of a legal entity or TIN. To send commands, the bot requires subscribing to its own channel, but even this does not guarantee the result. On the phone, the Eye of God gives out the name of the operator and its region (apparently, for those who do not know how to determine this data by eye), a possible name (I entered several phone numbers - the names coincided).

It can also find postal addresses (most likely, according to the database of domain administrators), the VKontakte page, the Telegram account, WhatsApp, the number of people interested in the character before you. But the bot will provide this information for 30 rubles. The same applies to the search by car number: for free, the bot shows only the region (which can be determined this way), and for thirty offers to download the Autocode report. At the same time, data about the car by its number, if desired, can be easily found on these Internet sites for free.

If you enter an email address, the bot will kindly show you the login (what is before the symbol @) and the domain (what is after @) - this is especially valuable information! You will also be offered to buy the address of the VKontakte page linked to this soap and the passwords associated with email from some leaked database. By name, the bot searches only for a phone number in a given region, finds the wrong one and offers to buy a subscription to view it.

In general, the usefulness of this bot seemed to me very dubious: the information that the Eye of God gives away for free can be Google without it if you wish, and the paid information is scarce and not always reliable.


A bot for checking data on the history of a car by license plate, VIN, vehicle registration number, full name or phone number of the owner, which theoretically makes it possible to identify “outbid”. With its help, it is easy to identify the owner of the vehicle, propping up your bucket in the parking lot at the supermarket. The bot’s capabilities are quite wide, and the price is relatively low: one report costs 150 rubles, but you can buy a subscription.

By phone number you can find the profile “VKontakte” and published advertisements for the sale of cars, which theoretically allows you to calculate dealers. And according to the license plate of the vehicle or VIN, the bot generates and offers to buy a report. It includes complete information about the car, its owners, mileage, all previously used license plates, data on restrictions, searches, insurance and accidents, working in a taxi, court decisions regarding the car and existing fines. In general, the information is extremely useful if you are going to buy yourself a tachlo so that you can roll your friend through the streets of Moscow at night with a breeze, and at the same time want to find out if this swallow has been collected from two broken buckets somewhere in Dagestan. But for a simple search for information about the owner of a car, this amount of data is clearly unnecessary.

In general, AVinfo may be able to collect data on the license plate number of a car, but with the breakdown of mobile phone numbers, things are clearly not very good for him.


Quite an interesting boat that allows to search under number telec-on (gives the user name, region, city, email, a page in the “VKontaktike” nick and ID in the “telegram”, if any), by email (returns the phone, name the page "VC »And city), by vehicle number, nickname or name in social networks, as well as by photo - the bot searches for similar ones.

For free, the bot allows you to execute only two requests, after which it asks to pay for the subscription: the daily fee is around 67 rubles, which, in general, is inexpensive. I decided to spend such an immodest amount on a good cause and test the bot - exclusively for scientific purposes.The bot gives out fairly complete information by email - there is a page in “VK”, and the mobile number linked to it, and the full name specified in the user profile. An interesting result can be obtained by requesting “VK history”. Even if the user profile is closed, SmartSearchBot downloads several photos from there and returns information for the past several years. This function can be useful if the user has deleted and cleaned his VKontakte profile - at least, the bot will help to find out his date of birth, place of residence and work (if any).


In terms of its capabilities, the bot is generally similar to SmartSearchBot - it is able to search by phone, email address, vehicle license plate or VIN, passport number, SNILS or TIN. An interesting feature is a password search: the bot searches in the merged databases for an email address that can match the given password.The test showed that Quick_OSINT_bot finds the mobile phone number incorrectly, according to the phone number it gives mainly the operator’s region and the name under which the subscriber is recorded in the phone books, as well as the name with which he subscribes on free message boards.

Quite informative results are obtained when searching by email address: the bot returns accounts with this address in various social networks, nicknames, mobile number, first and last name (not always correct), as well as passwords associated with this soap from the merged databases.

The bot allows you to execute several free requests per day, after which it starts begging for money: $ 0.1 for each report or offers to subscribe.


The bot is rumored to be connected to the counterparty verification system Unirate24, and it is paid. The cheapest plan with a limit on the number of search queries costs 1199 rubles. The bot allows you to search for information by name, phone number, car number, e-mail address, as well as data of a legal entity. He can find information about a citizen’s registration, records of his violation of the law, information about relatives.

According to rumors, this Telegram bot copes well with searching in Moscow and the region, but problems with the regions may arise: not everything is there and not always. A significant part of information on legal entities is freely available. But in general, the bot can be useful for checking counterparties, potential business partners, or, say, when hiring a murky candidate for a job in your personal bank’s gold vault.


A free bot that allows you to find by nickname in which groups in the “Cart” this or that user is. In theory, this information can tell you something about the moral obli-ke interests and hobbies of your character.

A significant drawback of this bot is that it shows the user’s participation only in open public groups, but closed publics (that is, the most interesting!) Remain out of his field of vision.


A bot that was actively advertised in September 2020 on hacker forums . It is rumored to be connected to the Solaris analytics system used by professional punchers. The database allows you to search for data by name, series and passport number, surname and year of birth, by TIN, SNILS, by address, phone or car number.

Until recently, the cost of one request to “Archangel” was 250 rubles, but after known events the bot was turned off, and now it issues a message about “temporary technical work”. It is hoped that the problems there are really temporary.


The bot works very simply: by the entered mobile phone number in the international format (+ 7XXXAAABBCC) GetFB finds the Facebook page registered for this phone. The bot does not ask for money for its work and works perfectly.


The bot searches the merged databases for passwords corresponding to e-mail addresses, logins or phone numbers. For free, the bot shows only part of the detected passwords, and for the full version sends it to a third-party site, where the visitor is offered to pay for a subscription on the fly.

This content has been shared for Educational And Non-Profit Purpose ONLY has no control over the shared content and nature of the external sites.

    10 days later
    7 days later
    4 months later

    is there a way to scarp bots to a telegram channel ??

    2 months later

    95% of the link of bots no more there and 2 worked but the language is Russian hard to use sorry