• Course
  • Download [iNeuron] Full Stack Data Science Full Course


in Part 3, 11. ML Project folder, there are few empty folders with resources.zip.

is it completely uploaded or are there any missing videos in those folders?

  1. Sales Demand Forecast
  2. Back Order Prediction
  3. Engine Fault Detection
  4. Fitbit Calories Burnt
  5. Zomato Restauran Prection

Above are folders that seem to be empty (OR NOT, if you can clarify.)


mitwa It is showing link has been expired.

Can you please send it again or can you give telegram user name ?

bro what is the total size of a course in gb

Does anyone share this in mega file difficult to download through gdrive

7 days later

ndroidLover Please give the access, it is showing for the request access…..please bro check it, it was opened earlier