• Course
  • Web Dev Simplified Site Rip 61GB

no files removed. Can confirm the links work, just downloaded them.

5 days later

If anyone has the downloaded web-dev-simplified-files please share


i downloaded css and javascript both

can you please tell about telegram link there are sath nibhana files what is inside of them ??

please download and check yourself. If it’s not what it is supposed to have then I would not have uploaded it in the first place.
moreover, I am not taking any course requests, so refrain from asking me anything, thanks.


    sir i m talking about telegram link which has a name sath nibhana sathiya …actually that file is like 35 gb plus …i have 8mbps connection … it will take a lot of data and time just to check file … if you do not want to share in public kindly msg me in private. i m actually looking for react.

    I donno why but javascript simplified always says error after downloading 10gb/15gb

      18 days later

      imshiv6t9 Hello Sir I need
      [MadeEasy] ECE GATE [LIVE] [Download GOC Player To Play The Video] [413.42]
      This course I am finding it but cant Found it Please help me

      24 days later

      MKjava @Mrconquerer Google Drive link is working perfectly fine and I extracted successfully without any error. Most likely it is your internet issue and the file is not downloaded completely.

      a month later

      xgemini does anyone have this course on mega.nz !!

      a month later