
  • 24 Mar
  • Joined May 23, 2022
  • 0 best answers
  • Later Edit: Take in consideration that I don`t know exactly if these links are the old course or the new one from 2021, if you look at description on the course site you will see that the old one was replaced… maybe it is better to take it from other source to be sure it is the 2021 version? Don.t know, man… can.t find this course, but I need it so much… appreciate your effort!

  • Me too, I want it soooo bad! :) I`m new into game development and I also need to learn how to draw & make music, so yea, need this course because is all around very good for beginners from what I saw in the trailer. Hope it will be uploaded, cheers to the people on this website that makes our life easier!

  • Course name: Build an Advanced 2D Platformer game in Unity 2021
    Link - https://www.udemy.com/course/build-an-advanced-2d-platformer-game-in-unity/

    Can someone download all parts from these links? Thank you!


    Other site, different parts but same thing:


  • You 2 are awesome! Much love & respect to both of you!

  • XDJ I`ve already downloaded the pack, do I need to download it again or you could make a second .rar/link? Hit me up with a reply if you`ve added the files! Thank you very much, man! I appreciate!!!

    • XDJ replied to this.
    • Can you please update the missing parts from these folders? At least on Google Drive add the “important” and “very important” files.
      Thank you very much!

      From the folder named [Introduction]:
      - missing => (txt. or docx. ?) [Discord Access + Goodies!] ===> OPTIONAL. NOT IMPORANT TO ADD.
      - missing => (txt. or docx. ?) [Get 50% Off My Brand New 2D Art Mastery Course] ===> OPTIONAL. NOT IMPORANT TO ADD.
      - missing => (txt. or docx. or link ?) [Get 60% Any Of My Programs By Reffering A Friend] ===> OPTIONAL. NOT IMPORANT TO ADD.

      From the folder named [Let`s Make a 3D Game]:
      - missing => (txt. or docx. ?) [Assignment: Complete the first page of “Your Game Idea” Workbook] =>>> IMPORTANT TO ADD!
      - missing => (txt. or docx. ?) [Assignment: Finish the Rest of the Workbook] ===> IMPORTANT TO ADD!
      - missing => (txt. or docx. ?) [Assignment: Finalize Your Game’s Style/Colors] ===> IMPORTANT TO ADD!
      - missing => (video) [Day 4: Level Design] ===> VERY IMPORTANT TO ADD!
      - missing => (txt. or docx. ?) [Get 50% Off Game Dev Unlocked!] ===> OPTIONAL. NOT IMPORTANT TO ADD.