xa- bro if I just login before 90 days then Will it be okay ??

- Feb 4, 2024
- Joined Aug 31, 2021
- 0 best answers
Hey Everyone,
This is for Beginners who do not have broadband or enough memory to store courses of large size. So I would like to tell you a method through which you can backup the courses and use when you want.
For this you have to create multiple new mega accounts to store your courses. As Mega give 20GB free cloud storage to each new account.
Steps :
- Go to TempMail or TempMail.io and create a temporary mail and copy that email. Keep that tab open.
- Then go to Mega and click on Register to create new account. Using the same email, create a new account.
- Then a confirmation email sent by Mega to activate your account to your email. Open that temp mail tab. See in the inbox. Check that email and click on activate.
- Now type your password and login to your account.
- Go to your course link. Select multiple file (below 20GB) and then right click and click on import. If asking for login then fill your details and login and start importing.
- Instantly close that tab and again open mega account to see the course in your account. Then right click on the course and click on “get link” and paste that link where you want so that you can access that course efficiently by one click.
- Log out that account and follow the same procedure to create new one.
Thank you. Hope it is useful.
Alchemy yes bro I tried this extension. But the code button in the extension is not working 🙄 . It didn’t redirected me anywhere to paste cookies.
unknownv2 yes i use cookie editor as mentioned above
Guys I followed all the steps but after pasting the cookies and when I click on import then it shows “Could not parse json”.
What am i doing wrong ?
thebeast823 then what ?? after 2 months your accound is banned or something ?