
  • Joined Oct 19, 2023
  • 0 best answers
  • Hey guys, Please READ

    It’s a bad news… Very very bad for HakcksNation.com We are not a Google Adsense user from now on. Google Adsense is an advertisement company that helps us to earn money on sites by ads. And yes we were earning around 20k per month in mid-2022 but from the last few 6-7 months, HacksNation is earning very bad, almost nothing. I made HacksNation to help every CSE student … Even I am also a student of CSE doing B.Tech.

    It started happening in December last year, Google put an ad limit on HacksNation.com and it remained for around 2.5 months. After the ad limit was removed still there were issues coming to our site like “invalid traffic” and “invalid clicks” every month … because of that we got an ad limit many times in a month even after the removal of the Higher ad limit. Example - Let’s assume our ad limit was removed today, still it comes after every 5-6 days or 10-15 days, And it is completely Disabled. Our earnings are very low because we repeatation of ad limit and Now the ads are completely disabled for us.

    Ads disabled Screenshot (Means No ads serving = No money = no hosting = not able to handle) - Complete screenshots - https://prnt.sc/abhjfaPa-3aM and https://prnt.sc/0mGbBlu5CqnN

    I told you guys that we got Ad limits repeatedly, Almost every month 1, 2 or 3 admits.

    Here are screenshots of Adlimit serving by Google Adsense - https://prnt.sc/yi9vbs1W-lpn and https://prnt.sc/9X2fjZa5EJbb

    That’s why we have no money now to Pay for the hosting charges for the next month. I request you guys please collect a total of INR 39000, I will collect around 4-5k and Please Members of HacksNation donate INR 35000 so that we can host HacksNation for 1 year

    I host the site on an offshore server to save from DMCA issues and its charge for 1 year is INR 39057- https://prnt.sc/ajdtqvVuv3wy

    As you guys can see HacksNation is big and the Site uses a VPS having 4 cores and 6GB RAM with cpanel.

    [colo=red] Guys I need 35000 Please donate to host Hacksnation. We need your help. Please, Guys 😭
    Guys if want to contact me at admin@hacksnation.com or you can telegram me at - https://t.me/Hacksnation_admin_bot Hacksnation_admin_bot

    I will update the balance on this discussion. Please Donate. I have a huge hope in you guys. We helped many students and now er need help, Please help us also. Please donate as much as you want … Donate even if it is $1 or INR 1

    WE NEED INR 35000 or USD 420 … Now we need INR 27400 or 329 USD

    We Received - INR 7600 or $91 till now.

    We need this money by the end of this Month. I will also post who donated to us.

    For UPI -

    You can pay us on - hacksnation@ybl

    Name - Akshay

    For Paypal -

    You can pay us at anuragrawat664@gmail.com

    You can also pay me on this link, it will be more easy - https://paypal.me/AnuragRawat

    For Crypto -

    Currency - USDT

    My Pay ID: 215797956

    Wallet Address - (Network - TRC20)


    Wallet Address - (Network - ERC20)
