
  • 25 Jan
  • Joined Sep 24, 2023
  • 0 best answers
  • hax0rSkip


    I am just a member of the group not the admin. Will discuss with group members. It’s not like We, group members or I, for that matter gain or lose if you guys join our group and get courses for free or pay that scammer to get the courses. Kindly wait and the group’s link will probably be provided.

  • AmanMourya09







    Listen to me! We created a group on Telegram. ‘FIZ’ shared all courses by Peterson Academy for free. It’s his hardwork. Aryan was also part of the group at that time. As soon as we found out that he was selling courses rather than sharing for free, he left the group. Now this asshole Aryan is charging people money for something he himself got for free. Don’t give this motherfu#ker any money. I repeat, ’DON’T GIVE THIS MOTHERFU#KER ANY MONEY’.

    His Telegram id, report him ASAP. We will open the courses shortly and share for free.

    • CyberianHunter Hey man! Could you please provide the link for The Illimitable Audiobook. You can’t imagine my desperation for that book. Please I beg you