muhaki What would need to be done in order for you to share it here with everyone? This is a course that many many people have been really wanting and would provide a lot of value to everyone, I know I would greatly appreciate it if you did. I understand you had to pay $300 for the course but think about all the courses you have got from this website for free when others had to pay for them first so then you could in turn get it for free. If everyone decided to never share their courses on this website then this entire website wouldnt even exist. All the courses you ever got from this website for free (when others had to pay for it) would of never happened if everyone had the mindset of not wanting to share or provide value to others. Do you ever have any plans of sharing it on here for free or absolutely not?

- Jan 30, 2023
- Joined Jan 11, 2023
- 0 best answers