• Request
  • ( Request ) Chase hughes mastery course

SupremeRuler SupremeRuler Your personal attacks, low-blowing, nonsensical comments, poor argument, and the use of another language to mask an insult seem rather pathetic.

Yeah, I can speak multiple languages, too. Do you prefer if I speak back in French, Italian, Japanese, Indo-Aryan, Korean, Chinese, Arabic, Spanish, or Thai, or do you prefer it in your language…Filipino? Let me give you a quick “infield demo”…

Bangag ka ba? Kagaya ng Presidente mo? Kasi tumatawa ka sa sariling mong nonsense.

You are arguing with me…who happens to be a total stranger from the internet, and the people who are smarter than you have already gone silent because they are just that smart to not bother, yet, here you are. If you think that I am a low IQ and EQ kind of person, then what does that make you? Lower IQ and EQ than mine?

Anyway, it seems your mentor failed you, too. Seeing how you respond to me in a terrible way only proves how bad the material is.

    5 days later
    a month later


    abSuper has anyone got the operative 6 please or any chase Hughes bundle? I have a communication masterclass by Vianh Giang I can swap!

    a month later

    Gentosmentos Did you ever find the course, was able to find the Mastery Program but not sure if it’s the same one.

    13 days later
    20 days later
    9 days later

    anybody with the mastery course send plz

    24 days later

    A quick summary:

    The author (Mr. Hughes) teaches you how to combine fifty different micro-expressions ranging from pupil dilation, to finger flexing, in order for you to detect deception, and lies. He will then tell you how to practice it by watching Columbo. LOL.

    He also teaches you how to become an authority by wearing uniforms; backed by scientific studies (milgram experiment, etc.), and he is selling his course for thousands of dollars, and this came from a guy diagnosed with temporal lobe epilepsy.

    I have never seen such a comprehensive course of how to become the most expert paranoid, and the most weirdest person in the room.

    Good luck wasting your time with this course, and reading through my rant. xD

    • Vivy replied to this.
      6 days later

      jeff1232 Please, if anybody recognizes the site as legit or has any opinion about it, tell me so I could buy it.