wtf i just read above lmao seems like someone Fantasize whole day
( Request ) Chase hughes mastery course
SupremeRuler not wasting my time with ur pointless opinion good for you have a good life :3 i wish you the best
SupremeRuler You seem to have twisted the point that the OP was making…
The criticism about his wife is probably the least of the concerns here, but what matters is that he does not show anything that his stuff works. Where are his demonstrations? Infield videos that show live footage of how he uses it in live sales?
In fairness, though…his wife does look ugly. What does it say about his methodology of influencing, and persuasion, if he cannot even get an average-looking wife?
Sure, it could be that there is more to their story than just physical attraction, but really? Does she look attractive to you?
Again, the point is that he seems to fail in all categories.
Also, his “Behavioral Table of Elements” seems to be a masterful way to learn “The art of becoming the most paranoid person in the room”.
Good luck.
xDreamZ Are you going to use it on Sales?
Apply, get hired, and be trained by an actual company that sells actual products or even Real Estate.
Infield videos? Are you a PUA wannabe 😂😂😂
Oh well
It seems like all your tantrums point to you being just “Another Dissatisfied Customer”
Maybe you should ask for a refund, that is, if you actually “PAID” for the course.
But seeing you here 😑
SupremeRuler “PUA wannabe” because I use the word “Infield”? It’s a universal word that is being used, anywhere and there is another word for it if you do not like it fancy…it’s called live demonstration.
Yeah, why would I be here if I actually “PAID” for the course? Does that make sense to you? Again, you are the one making that statement.
It seems that your interpretation is wrong and you are making a poor argument from the beginning, and writing non-sensical comments.
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People are asking for “LIVE DEMONSTRATIONS” but looking for websites that offer FREE DOWNLOADS. 😑
It’s like they want to live a comfortable life but don’t want to work. 😑
What generation are we living in right now?
Spoon-fed Generation 😂😂😂
SupremeRuler I am not asking for it, but stating that your mentor/guru failed to deliver anything factual about his courses that cost thousands of dollars.
Ah, so you meant to say that people who were born in the 80’s are spoon-fed generation? Do you even know when I was born (clue, clue, clue, read again the one on the left)? You seem to have no idea what you are talking about.
Again, your nonsensical comments and poor arguments make me regret talking to you.
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Not asking for it?
Then why are you here? This is not the site where you can “PURCHASE” online courses.
And you’re right, I don’t know and don’t care what historical era you’re living in… but based on your comments, your IQ and EQ level is from the “SPOON-FED GENERATIONS”
Pasok na pasok sa banga ang lola mo 😂😂😂
SupremeRuler SupremeRuler Your personal attacks, low-blowing, nonsensical comments, poor argument, and the use of another language to mask an insult seem rather pathetic.
Yeah, I can speak multiple languages, too. Do you prefer if I speak back in French, Italian, Japanese, Indo-Aryan, Korean, Chinese, Arabic, Spanish, or Thai, or do you prefer it in your language…Filipino? Let me give you a quick “infield demo”…
Bangag ka ba? Kagaya ng Presidente mo? Kasi tumatawa ka sa sariling mong nonsense.
You are arguing with me…who happens to be a total stranger from the internet, and the people who are smarter than you have already gone silent because they are just that smart to not bother, yet, here you are. If you think that I am a low IQ and EQ kind of person, then what does that make you? Lower IQ and EQ than mine?
Anyway, it seems your mentor failed you, too. Seeing how you respond to me in a terrible way only proves how bad the material is.
Ay kagaling talaga… salamat ChatGpt 😂😂😂
Thanks bro!
BablooSeth hi bro, have you found the course for operative six?
ghostmeme have you found this operative six course? :)
Gentosmentos Did you ever find the course, was able to find the Mastery Program but not sure if it’s the same one.
nobody still got the operative six course?
Gentosmentos Did you get the course