rambadhur Did you even read any of the discussion or checked the links like these one, before asking? Please don’t be an asshole
[Download] All Fireship Courses Free
Some0ne The react course isn’t updated can anybody look into it.
BilalShaikh Wdym its not updated, these 3 are still work in progress and they are not uploaded to the site yet
All the lessons that has been completed has been uploaded above
i need the new version of fireship courses
rambadhur use tampermoneky script to get full access to fireship site just like dis
https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/455330-freeship <- Script link
Any way to get free swags like stickers and tshirts?
can you upload this one https://fireship.io/courses/nextjs/ its new (Same Request)
Thanks for the 6 videos. Do you have the rest?
new link pls
not working
SahilVerma Not working, can you give another link
@PanthChristian , @robotcloud or anyone please sent me this course : “https://fireship.io/courses/sveltekit”
AmandaRoy here you have fireship.io unlocked, just click on courses and every single one of them is available for free
randomUsername1234 Thank You😁
randomUsername1234 how can I repay you Thank youuu so much.
thanks men