i need the new version of fireship courses
[Download] All Fireship Courses Free
rambadhur use tampermoneky script to get full access to fireship site just like dis
https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/455330-freeship <- Script link
Any way to get free swags like stickers and tshirts?
can you upload this one https://fireship.io/courses/nextjs/ its new (Same Request)
Thanks for the 6 videos. Do you have the rest?
new link pls
not working
SahilVerma Not working, can you give another link
@PanthChristian , @robotcloud or anyone please sent me this course : “https://fireship.io/courses/sveltekit”
AmandaRoy here you have fireship.io unlocked, just click on courses and every single one of them is available for free
randomUsername1234 Thank You😁
randomUsername1234 how can I repay you Thank youuu so much.
thanks men
randomUsername1234 4 Yo do You have neetcode.io courses ?
anyone has it would appreciate it.
randomUsername1234 thanks man!
randomUsername1234 Hey man, did you create this site clone by yourself? If so, would you mind adding the following line to the HTML
<meta name="theme-color" content="#12181b">
So, when it’s turned into a PWA (Progressive Web App) in Edge or Chrome, the title bar color looks good and blends well with the website.