antarctica Sorry, I do not have its backup.
true,one can use vm if they really need this.
XDJ oh :(
antarctica Bro pls upload data structures and algorithms part of course if u have it, if possible
XDJ Can i get password for Made Easy ECE lectures for .gem file format?
aladipersonal I don’t have its password mate.
XDJ Is there any way to open .gem file without knowing the password?
aladipersonal No.
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aladipersonal password:yL3@c*Q6xfjGz2TDhxbWEC01ndf
AKHILESHVISSAMRAJU Thank you very much
Jeva Hi please update the link for CSE ctq if you have backup.
FurquanAhmad i have the course but not the password which is required to play the videos
Jeva I have the password for madeeasy ctq course and I have test it really works
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RAHULSONI i have found one link but i dont know whether it contain password to play the video file
FurquanAhmad Please contact me my telegram rsoni3030
here is the link
FurquanAhmad It’s nothing show in this link
RAHULSONI Sorry bro this link was not mine but some days earlier i scrolled and found complete madeeasy course there.